Aren't Golden Retrievers Great!

Cat's are OK too!


My name is Lillian and I have two golden retrievers. Tikka (CKC Reg. Golden Charm's Free Spirit) who was ten years old on May 2, 2004 and Ben (CKC Reg. Josie's Jedi Knight) who was six on February 10, 2004. They are great dogs.

We also have an abundance of other pets, which we also enjoy greatly.

This is our cat, Cinder, who is 16 years old. She was a stray that we adopted. Cinder was very ill when our daughter Shelley found her. She was almost starved to death, but after some TLC, she became a good pet.

This is our budgie bird, Binny. Kristy had him at University, but he was too noisy for her roommates, so we adopted him. He is really cute, but kind of timid. In this picture he is hiding behind a stuffed duck.

This is Kristy's cat, Jasmine. Jasmine had a litter of kittens when she found us. All the kittens got homes and Kristy convinced us that we should bring Jasmine home. We had her spayed and she also became a very nice pet.

Kristy has a dog, Tie, who she adopted from the SPCA in Fredericton. He is a boxer/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix.

He is a wonderful dog and gets along well with Jasmine and her other cat, Ozzie.


This is Shelley's horse, Roper. He is a Registered Quarter Horse. He is a very nice well mannered horse. Shelley has been interested in horses since she was nine years old and went to Riding Camp for the first time at Broadleaf Riding Camp. Shelley also boards Hubba, for her friends Denise and Ginette and Missy for her cousin Amanda.

Roper and Hubba are very good friends and they like Missy too. Shelley is now married and all her animals live with her and her husband, Adam and their new daughter, Karlee Rose, who was born October 20, 2002. They also have a dog, Jeep and a cat Macy.

This is Shelley's Lovebird, Lucy. She is about 6 years old. She is very cute, but has a rather bad disposition. We love her anyway.

We have two aquariums, and Kristy has one.

As you can see from this we are a family who loves animals.

For anyone who may be interested in learning more about the Golden Retriever Breed, you can go to the Profile link.

If you would like to learn more about our family, follow the Family link.

We have encountered some health problems with Tikka, hip displaysia, to be exact. If you are interested in her progress with this debilitating disease, follow the Tikka link.

If you would like to see some pictures of the dogs, follow the Photo Album link.

If you would like to apply for my Award, please follow the Animal Lovers Award link.

If you would like to meet some of our friends please follow the Our Friends link.

I am including a link to a new page of mine which has nothing to do with animals. It is a tribute to a friend who recently went to be with God, after a long and mighty struggle with cancer.

Here are a few links that I enjoy. If you have never visited them, they are definitely worth a look.

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