The Beginning

All the nurses gathered around the reception desk in anticipation. I walk over to my husband and handed him the ultrasound pictures. He looked at it and then looked at me with these big eyes. I said "Yes, twins!"

That was the beginning of our road to parenthood. Five years earlier we decided to have children. We tried for a year with no luck. Then we decided to see a fertility doctor. For the next year and a half we went through all the tests. Nothing. We moved back home (New York) in 1995 and I started seeing another fertility doctor. I knew I had endometriosis but the doctors in Virginia said no. I had laproscopic surgery in July 1996 and the doctor said I had endometriosis. They fixed it, put me on clomid for 2 cycles and I became pregnant in August 1996. I started spotting in my 6th week and had an ultrasound done. I had triplets but lost one.

I began to gain weight fast. I looked 6 months pregnant when I was only 3 months along. I had morning sickness all day long! I had a cold through the whole pregnancy. In January 1997 I got really sick. I had a fever up to 102 one night with throwing up and back pain. I was only 22 weeks pregnant and had just had a full ultrasound the week before and everything looked fine. The next morning I still had a fever and called my doctor. I went to the hospital and they put me on a monitor. I was contracting every minute! I had no idea I was in labor. I was 1cm dilated. They drugged me up (mag sulfate, betamethazone (sp?)). They put me in tremdelanburg position (head down, feet up).

They continued to monitor me and the next day I went up to 3cm. They sent me to Syracuse (the best NICU in upstate NY). When I arrived I went up to 7cm and was told I was going to lose baby A and they would try to keep baby B inside. They monitored me through the night and the contractions slowed down. They sent me to maternity ward where I spent the next 5 weeks on COMPLETE bed rest in the tremdelanburg position. I only sat up to go to the bathroom or eat. I had gone all the way down to 1cm and in my last week I began bleeding. A placenta had ruptured. They sent me back to labor and delivery and monitored me and the babies until February 15th, when my water broke and they took the girls by emergency C section. Their beginning was bumpy, now it gets rocky!

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