there! I am Tina and I am so glad you
stopped by to visit! I live in Upstate New
York with my husband, Jay, and three boys, Zachary,
Devon, and Nicholas. 
A little
bit about us. I am a stay home mom who pretends to work on the weekends. I do light bookkeeping on Saturday mornings. I call it my sanity saver. The boys are wonderful, but a break is also a nice thing. Jay works in wireless communications. He loves his job because he gets to go four wheeling up a mountain to get to his sites. Aren't men just a hoot?
Zachary is now in the first grade. He loves school and proudly brings home A's in his subjects. He reminds me of a Dennis the Menace movie - a little boy with dirt smeared cheeks and ripped clothes getting into mischief. All in a lovable way. Devon is the complete opposite. Quiet, clean and entertained by himself, he can spend hours playing with one little matchbox car. Nicholas is a two year old. Enough said! (He is a doll, though!)

Well, if
you feel like learning more about us, feel free
to travel around a little. You can see
pictures, visit with my sons in their playrooms,
or find some of my favorite links.
Use the
navigation bar to visit our various

I am three years behind on this page but am working slowly on it. Keep checking back to see what I have done!

Thanks so
much for visiting me! Please come again
