My husband, Emmet, is in the United States Air Force and was assigned to an exchange position with the Royal Australian Air Force in Canberra, Australia. Once we found a place to live all the family went their way - work, school - and left me by my lonesome! So....I went looking for a companion and found Rosemary Green of Chilolo Kennels, who placed our Tazzie with us.
a picture of Tazzie as a youngster, who grew up to become
Aust. Ch Chilolo Matilda Downunda JC, CGC.
When there were shows in town, Rosemary ( Tazzie's breeder) would come and stay with us, bringing several dogs in tow. When all the dogs would leave, Tazzie would sulk and pout for days.....she needed a friend! Enter Terra, aka: Am. Fld Ch (ASFA) Arefen Terra Australis SC.
Isn't she cute in
her basket? Meanwhile, I had started showing Taz, because she was old enough
and I finally got brave enough! Remember, I got my first show dog without
ever having been to a dog show!
Rhodesian Ridgebacks are like potato can't have just one! We were having so much fun, that we started looking for a male RR to add to our growing family. But, as luck would have it, in the course of looking, we fell in love with another puppy bitch!:-D This was becoming quite the family joke!
Our newest addition became
Kali, aka: Kargnieulan Kira Ankali. Not long after Kali joined our family we got our orders
to return home to the US. So...we packed up and headed for Florida!