
The most informative rabbit webpage online!
Hello to all the bunny breeders, pet owners, and rabbits out there. I would like to thank all of you who have been constantly coming to my page looking for updates. I would also like to apologize because I haven't been able to make any. I have been one busy little bunny! But I would like to let everyone know that I will make many more changes today (3/4/2001) and I hope you will come to check them out!
IMPROTANT: Due to some greedy people, my free e-mail service is not free anymore & I am not able to read any mail that was sent to me in the past month. I do not have time to change my address on every page that is apart of this webpage so please remember, if you need to send me any mail, please direct it to: RabbitMajik@hotmail.com. This will not be my permanent address! And don't worry, I am finally worked on this page but it will move to a new location soon, so please keep an eye out! :)
Rabbit Breeds - There are currently 45 rabbit breeds recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Assoc.
Rabbit Vocabulary - Words that will help you understand the judge or other breeders when they talk about yours or somebunny else's rabbit.
Parts of a Rabbit - One of my rabbits wilingly posed for this picture and I labeled him so you could learn the parts of a rabbit. :)
Rabbit Diseases - This is a brand new page but I am working as fast as I can to put more and more diseases and infections up so that you may learn about them.
Rabbit Gestation Chart - This chart can help you figure out when your rabbit will be due after being bred.
ARBA History - The History of the American Rabbit Breeders Assoc.
Page Pets - All I have is bunnies right now, but more animals are coming soon. Click here to learn more about Page Pets.
Rabbit Stories - Here are some rabbit stories to read on a rainy day, or read while you're curled up next to your fire in the winter. :)
Learn How to Say Rabbit in Many Different Languages - I thought this site, hosted by the House Rabbit Society, was very neat and interesting!
San Diego HRS Bunnyfest 2000 - This site is hosted by the San Diego House Rabbit Society. It contains pictures and contest winners from Bunnyfest 2000.