Physician Aid In Dying

My Opinion

(For What It's Worth)


Hi. I'm Y-von. I'm 40 and was diagnosed with MS in 1990. I have been using a wheelchair for almost three years. I put this web site up to let everyone know that I am a disabled person and ...


There is a group of disabled people known as Not Dead Yet that believes Merian's Friends' proposal is a plot to get rid of the disabled. It is NOT. Our proposal will allow TERMINALLY ILL people a CHOICE regarding end-of-life decisions according to their own religious and moral beliefs, not those of others or of the State.

I have heard arguments relating to some "slippery slope" to "getting rid" of those who are no longer perceived as "valuable". I am active with Merian's Friends and according to our proposal, "getting rid" of anyone would be a FELONY. I have quoted certain areas of the petition to let you see that this has nothing to do with euthanasia for the disabled or depressed.

This is not euthanasia. This is self-deliverance from unbearable pain and suffering.

As I am currently in a wheelchair and am unsure of the future because of the unpredictable nature of my disease, I would be the first to fight any proposal that might put anyone in jeopardy because of a disability. I believe the language in our proposal gives adequate protections against those who would try to abuse this law. I invite everyone to read the entire proposal as I have.

Now, I can proceed with what I believe to be the issues at hand. I believe that compassion and values dictate that we must end suffering when we are able. When current technology is unable to alleviate this suffering, we should have the ability to choose our own path to death.

People argue that the pain can be controlled. I submit that is not true. I was present when my father-in-law died. He had been given massive doses of morphine and was unconscious. He was still grasping at the areas of his body where the cancer had taken over.

I agree with those who say more should be spent on current health care programs, but what is to be done for those who are suffering, to whom medical science can offer no hope of cure or even the alleviation of their suffering so that they may resume some semblance of a life. Our current options consist of Dr. Kevorkian - period!


People should be allowed the dignity of being with their families and loved ones, with counsel from their own doctors - not in the back of Jack's van. I object to the fact that family members are persecuted and subjected to criminal proceedings simply for wanting to be with those that they love at the end of their lives.

The arguments I have heard regarding religious beliefs do not apply here. The laws of these great United States protect me from the imposition of the religious beliefs of others upon me.

I believe the language in our proposal is sound and well thought out:

Polls indicate a majority of Michigan's voters favor physician aid in dying, despite the attempts of our legislators to deprive us of this choice. I support this proposal, and intend to let my representatives know how I feel with my vote. I challenge you to exercise your right to vote and do the same. Don't let someone else make a decision as important as this for you.

Full details of our proposal are available by phoning toll free 1-888-217-0700. Also, please visit Merian's Friends' web site at


Please sign my Guestbook or send me an e-mail and let me know what YOU think!