Tracy's Pet Page!!>

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<bgsound src="midi/myheartwillgoon.mid" loop=infinite>

Hi my name is Di. I was named after Princess Diana. I know some people might take offense to this, but i don't care. I was given to my mommie on July 5, 1998.

Are'nt i cute!!!!!!!!!! I'm so little and fuzzy. I am a dwarf hamster, if you didn't know. This is the biggest i'll get.

Let me just say this once. I love sunflower seeds. Enough said.

I love to play on my mommie's bed. She has to make sure she keeps an eye on me. I try to hid from her.

I want out!!! The birds are driving me nuts! But i do like their features. When they fall in my cage i grab them and take them into my bed to make it extra comfortable.

Enough with the pictures. I'm trying to play.

This is my wheel. I love my wheel. This is how i keep in shape and i get even with Mel and Bobby. They wake me up every morning, so i keep them up at night.

This is my ball. It is especially made for small creatures. If you look closely you can see me inside. I love to run around in it. Tiger loves it to. He likes to roll me around whether i want him to or not.

On July 1st,1999, Di had surgery to remove a tumor. It was a success. But in December another tumor started to grow. And on January 1, 2000, Di passed away.

Visitors have been welcomed to my home since August 10, 1998.

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