Thanks To Our Unit Sponsors

Friends of the Alantic Sea Bee Battalion...
This is a special page on our site to celebrate the folks who have really shown their support for our unit. They truly deserve your attention and patronage! Please take just a few minutes to vist each site to see what they have to offer. And be sure to tell them that you saw their ad on the Alantic Sea Bee Battalion Sea Cadet website!

The USNSCC Atlantic Sea Bee Battalion of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard wishes to thank all the contributors whose generous support has enabled us to continue on with our vision. Your gift is tax deductible. If you would like to support the USNSCC Atlantic Sea Bee Battalion Sea Cadet Unit with a contribution, please mail checks payable to:


Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Portsmouth Naval Shipyard -  Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is one of four remaining publicly owned shipyards in the nation. Portsmouth is the most experienced naval shipyard in submarine design, construction, modernization, and maintenance, and has a key role in the very-deep ocean submersible and special operations arenas.

Today the Shipyard’s primary mission is the overhaul, repair, modernization, and refueling of LOS ANGELES Class nuclear powered submarines. It is currently the planning yard for the Navy’s deepest diving submarine and submersible as well as other scientific research, defense prototype testing, and submerged rescue platforms. It is also the Ship Availability Planning and Engineering Center for the LOS ANGELES Class. Portsmouth specializes in world-wide Fleet support and is an active participant in Northeast Regional Maintenance. Portsmouth Naval Shipyard The Shipyard has an active Technology Transfer Office and has had numerous successes in partnering initiatives involving academia and the private sector.

Our Our Mission is to keep America’s Navy #1 in the world by serving as a partner on the Navy maintenance team, providing the best value in industrial and engineering support for world-wide nuclear submarine maintenance and inter-service regional maintenance.

Navy Ambulatory Care Center in Portsmouth Navy Ambulatory Care Center in Portsmouth -  The Naval Ambulatory Care Center, Portsmouth, New Hampshire is an outpatient medical treatment facility, part of Naval Health Care New England, that provides primary medical care and coordinates access to other levels of health care services for active duty, retirees and eligible family members entitled to care prescribed by Title 10 U.S. Code. Outpatient pharmacy, laboratory, basic x-ray, audiology and optometry services are also available within the facility.

The clinic supports the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard industrial complex through comprehensive occupational health and safety surveillance programs, medical examinations and treatment of occupationally related injuries and illnesses.

Our mission is to provide quality health services to all who entrust themselves to our care, in peace and conflict, and to maintain an operationally ready medical force.

Our mission statement reflects recognition of the dual responsibilities we in Navy Medicine have in serving the Armed Forces. Our first responsibility is to maintain the operational readiness of both our own staff as well as the Marines and Sailors whom we serve. Our vital secondary mission is to deliver quality health services for all Armed Forces personnel, their families, survivors, and retirees and their families. By setting clear goals, preparing for possible eventualities, and assessing our resources and mission, we will be prepared to support both our operational and peacetime responsibilities.

The Sports Link The Sports Link -  Custom screen-printing and embroidery. One stop shopping with all in house artwork, computer graphics and digitizing available.

All orders are just a UPS shipment away. Corporate promotions, T-Shirts, Caps, Sweats, Jackets and Unit PT Gear, Team Uniforms and Unit Logos...

Your name/Company link here Your name/Company link here -  As we are a non profit organization we need your support. Any help you can give is appreciated greatly. It can be with lectures, clothing or monetary assistance.

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