Away From Home
and welcome to my page. Visit often because i will be updating this
page frequently. I hope you enjoy your visit.
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Bless You !
down for some great websites and to read about my family!
is my all about my family. I will
as often as I can. Enjoy!
is from left to right: Tyler, Austin, my mom Debbie, Danny (my nephew),
my step dad Jerry,
(my niece), and Colby.
Here is a picutre of my kids, my niece & nephew, & our exchange
student for this past year, Christin.
would be my husband. We have been married for 15 years. He
is a cutting machine driver in the log woods.. His hobbies are fishing,
frog gigging, hunting, and mechanics. I love him very much. I truely
believe when I married Tim, I married my very best friend.
is my first child. She is 14 going on 30. She is going into the tenth
grade at school and is one of the top students in her class. Her
best friends are Rachael and Ashley. Her hobbies are riding the four
wheeler, going to Church Youth Group, swimming, chatting on the computer,
being on her cell phone, and scrapbooking. She is my special little
Dot and means the world to me.
is my second child. He is 12 years old and he is our miracle baby.
He was born with a liver disease called biliary atresia. He had a
liver transplant on Valentine's Day 2005. You can click on his name
for a full testimony of his life from birth through his transplant.
You can also click on the Liver Links below to learn more about the disease..
His hobbies are playing his PS2, Nintendo 64, pestering his sis, and helping
his dad. His current favorite thing to do is ride the four wheeler
and swimming in the pool. Austin also just got to join the Youth
Group at church and he is very excited about that. He is going into
the sixth grade.
is my third and last child. He is 9 years old. He is learning
to be just like his older brother and sister. He is an extremist
when it comes to his daddy. He is also my wild child. He isn't afraid
of anything. He just loves to ride his bike and has decided it makes
a perfect dirt bike. He has new "dirt bike" wreck bruises almost
everyday to show his daddy when he comes home from work. He is growing
up so fast and is going into the 4th grade.
course this is me. I am a wifeand stay at home mom. I also raise
black and fawn pugs. I like to draw and do outside work. I love John
Deere stuff and collect all I can. My family means the world to me.
Of course I love my dogs, too. I currently have 7 pugs & 2 pug
mix. I also like to do things with my family and my church. To me, life
is too short to waste on useless things.
take the time to read this page.
It is
a explanation of how it feels to raise a
suffering from liver disease.
I know
because my son has one.
Little Girl and Her Gift
great site. Austin was featured here in September 2002. They
feature three children each month. They also ask that you send the
children cards and/or small gifts to make them smile. These children are
also sick with severe/chronic illnesses. They have shirts, hats,
bumper stickers, etc. that you can buy at the MACS Store. They also
continue to post previous featured kids and also "angel" kids.
I also
ask that you visit this site and become a participant. You will be
blessed as you bless these kids.
And Hope
is another great site everyone should visit. Austin was featured
here in January 03(click
the month to see his feature). It is a great
place that does great things for sick children. If you have a minute,
check it out and browse around.
have a wish list that has all of the featured children's wishes on it.
One of Austin's wishes was a chinese pug puppy. A wonderful woman
from New York named Denise granted his wish. Here is a picture of
Austin and Zack, the pug, right after we got him and Austin, Zack,
Tyler and our other puppy, Inkspot.

and his Love Quilt
Click above to see
Austin's love quilt. It was made by lots of very special people and given
to him. You can read more about Love Quilts by clicking on the banner
below. You can even help make one.
here or on the picture above to find
how the Make A Wish Foundation
Austin's dream come true.
take the time to visit the
A Wish hompage
and see what wonderful
they do for kids everywhere.
Read My Guestbook! |
Sign My Guestbook!
Favorite Scriptures - I have listed some of my most
favorite scriptures here.
And Stuff-This is a collection of poetry, songs, and
other things that mean alot to me..
Mother's Day Speech-This is a presentation I did at
our Mother's Day Banquet at our church. It is how I feel about being
a mother.
for our nation, our leaders, and each other!
Please feel free to
email me with any comments
you may have.