Hi and Welcome to my website!

If you've been here before, well come on in and see the changes I'm in the process of making.  I figured since we're now in a new millenium, that I needed to update my site.  If you've never been here, then let me tell you a little about myself.

One of the hobbies that I've been doing for a little over two years is playing with these here web pages.  After a full day working in a law office and raising three children as a single parent, I'm sure you can understand the need for something to help me "unwind" at the end of the day besides making dinner, helping with homework and doing dishes and laundry!  lol

I love talking to my friends and family on the internet...and of course, making new friends along the way.  As you browse the pages, you'll find out more about myself, my family and what my favorite sites are.

**A special note to Handi...
Thank you for your help, patience and encouragement as I gave these ol' pages a new look.  You always come riding to the rescue when I'm ready to pull my hair out and scrap it all!!  At this rate, I'll always be on your list!!  lol

Well, enjoy your tour. And email me with any suggestions you might have...feel free to sign the guest book too.  Its fun to read your comments...and keeps Handi busy too!  lol



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