The children of Michael and Elizabeth Guth were: 1. Henry (Heinrich Guth) Good Birth: 10 Dec 1764 Death: 7 May 1829 Place: Durham Cem., Bucks Co., PA Burial: Place: Durham Cem., Bucks Co., PA Spouse: Catherine Barbara Schick Marriage: Circa 1786 Place: Nockamixon Church, Bucks Co., PA 2. George Guth Birth: Circa 1765 Death: 14 Oct 1853 Place: Old Cem., Stone Church, Burial: U.M.B.twp., Northampton Co.,PA Spouse: Catherine Brodt Marriage: 9 Dec 1802 Place: Easton, Northampton Co. , PA
Guth, Henry Guth, Catherine Dec. 10,1764 wf Heinrich Good May 7, 1829 age 64-4-27 Mar. 2, 1761 Apl. 18, 1839 78-1-16
I located these graves in 1995, photos of them are in my files. Henry and Catherine Good were the parents of John Good, Sr. whose baptism record is recorded at Nockamixon church as follows. p.15. John, born 1787, Feb. 2, bap. March 11 parents Henry Guth & Catherine sponsors John Kohl & (Molly) This John Good is my direct line ancestor. Catherine’s maiden name was SCHICK, as is stated in the baptism record of their daughter Magdalena. Further research located the baptism record of Catherine Barbara Schick at the Tohickon Reformed Cong. in Bedminster twp., Bucks Co., PA. Catherine's parents are Michael and Margaret Schick. The sponsor at her baptism was Catherine Barbara German
1. Michael Good. Born 31 Jul 1785 in Bucks Co. PA. Died 28 Apr 1864 and is buried in Durham Cem., Bucks Co., PA. 2. John Good Sr. Born 2 Feb 1787 in Bucks Co., PA. Christen 11 Mar 1787 in Nockamixon Church, Bucks Co., PA. Died March 3, 1874. Believed to be buried in Northampton Co., PA, Cem. unknown. Occupation Farmer. 3. John Henry Good. Born 20 Dec 1788 in Bucks Co., PA. Christen 11 Jan 1789 in Nockamixon Church, Bucks Co., PA. Died 1 Mar 1864 in Durham Cem., Bucks Co., PA. He married Susanna Ziegler. Born 29 Mar 1800. Died 21 Nov 1867 in Durham Cem., Bucks Co., PA. They had the following children: Catherine Good, Jacob Good, John Good, Susanna Good, Lovina Good, and Ann Matilda Good 4. Elizabeth Good. Born 5 Aug 1791 in Bucks Co. PA. 5. Maria Magdalena Good. Born 10 Dec 1793 in Bucks Co. PA. 6. Catherine Good. Born 29 Jan 1796 in Bucks Co. PA. 7. Magdalena Good. Born 10 Aug 1798 in Bucks Co. PA. It is her baptism record that notes that her mother's maiden name was SCHICK. 8. Jacob Good. Born 2 Jul 1800 in Bucks Co. PA. 9. John George Good. Born 24 Jan 1805 in Bucks Co., PA. Christen 12 Apr 1805 in Nockamixon Church, Bucks Co., PA.
Their marriage is recorded in the Forks of the Delaware book, available at the Easton Library. List of children from the will #6050, WB 7, p. 26 at Easton. Elizabeth, b. 1799 Michael, b. 1802 Margaret married Forgeman Sarah, married Jesse Hilliard Amey , married Peter Eilenberger Catherine
1. Catherine Guth. Born 21 Oct 1796. Died 20 May 1860 in the Old Union Cemetery, Stone Church, U.M.B.twp., Northampton Co., PA. 2. Elizabeth Guth. Born 1799. Died 16 Sep 1879 in L. Mt. Bethel twp., Northampton Co., PA. (died age 80 years 1 mo. 20 days) Buried in Three Church Hill. Elizabeth never married. 3. Michael Guth. Born 1802. Died 23 Apr 1881 in L. Mt. Bethel twp., Northampton Co., PA. (died age 79 years, 7 mos. 16 days) Buried in Three Church Hill. Michael never married. 4. Jacob Guth. Born 12 Jun 1802. Died 17 Jul 1829 in Old Cem., Stone Church, U.M.B.twp., Northampton Co., PA. 5. Margaret Guth. She married Mr. Forgeman. 6. Sarah Guth. She married Jesse Hilliard. 7. Amey Guth. She married Peter Eilenberger.
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John Guth,Sr. - son of Heinrich
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