My son Michael is 21 years old. He started skateboarding at the age of 13. He and his friends bought boards and would practice in our cul-de-sac trying to perfect their tricks and jumps. He doesn't seem to skateboard as much now that he is older but will always have the ability. Michael had such an attachment to his board, that a few years ago when we flew to California, he took it with him and skateboarded all over downtown San Francisco. Besides skateboarding he also enjoys, snowboarding, snow skiing, camping, fishing and dirt bike riding.

Michael graduated high school in 1997 and immediately enrolled in the Airline Academy. He now works as a ramp agent for America West Airlines. Through the years of working for the airlines he's had a chance to do some traveling. Some of his more memorable trips were to Puerto Vallarta and Chicago with friends in 1998. His 21st birthday was spent in Las Vegas with our whole family and then he and his girlfriend flew on to Hawaii for a week. Oh......... to be young and carefree.

Michael is a speed talker, walker and mover. He never does anything at a slow pace. If you blink, you might not see him walk past you. So, I'm sure with such a busy lifestyle, I'll have more to add to his page soon.

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