Why are Leash-free parks so important?.

Leash-free parks for dogs positively impact many groups of people. I'm going to tell you how the off-leash park that I (illegaly) use has impacted me and the community around it.

It gave me a chance to get involved in my community. I am now involved in my church, in school activites, and many other things. However, the things I did at my community park is what triggered a lot of my community involvement. I don't spend as much time at the Mount Acadia Community Park as I used to, but my dog enjoys every visit.

The gives seniors the ability to meet new people of all ages, and a chance to do something great for their dogs. Research shows that a socialized dog makes a better pet, and is less likely to be dangerous. Since many seniors can't jog with their dog, it allows them to socialize their dog, give it the excersise it needs, and meet people who share similar interests.

It allows working people to have some time off with their dogs. It is like a coffee shop, only you don't have to buy any coffee. All that's required is bringing a couple of bags to pick up after your pet and someone else's you migh find lying around. Working people can't drive 45 minutes away to the nearest legal off-leash park, so they visit their community park.

It has lowered the drug use and vandalism substancially. There still is drug use, drug dealing, and vandalism at the park, but it is only during the hours the park is not in use. Since the park is in use during more hours than it used to be, there is much less crime at the park. Most drug-dealers don't want to deal drugs in a place where dogs are around. (Not to mention the fact that police are frequent visitors, ticketing the dog walkers. Not arresting the drug dealers, ticketing the dog walkers. How ironic!)

The people I met at the park tought me about proper shots for my dog, licencing her, providing flea care for her, not feeding her the same food as my cats, (she farts a lot less now!) and so much more. My dog says "TH@nKy0U!"


Dog owners deserve to have the park available to them. Dog owners pay taxes like everyone else. Parks shouldn't benifit a select group of people, but benifit everybody who wants to use them. Parks benifit Little League players, tennis players, soccer players, joggers, kids with parents, and should also benifit responsible dog owners. Most kids that play base-ball at the park next to my house love to pet my dog and the other dogs around. And the few that don't like dogs, they just don't come up to the dogs. When I walk past the jungle jim at my park to the fenced area, you should see the kids running up to me and asking if they can pet my little dog. They love it, and so does my dog. Let's benifit ALL park users by adding more off-leash areas!