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We're adding links to leash-free sites whenever we learn about them. We mainly have links to American sites, but are working on international sites too!

(Links last Updated 8/01)

British Columbia California Colorado Florida Idaho
Maryland Michigan New York Oregon Texas Utah
Victoria Virginia Washington

Find out what dog owners around the world are doing to promote leash-free parks for their dogs.



Alma Dogs is an informal group of dog owners who meet at Alma Park - an off-leash dog walking park located in St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia



British Columbia

Toronto dogs is a "guide for Urban Dog Owners." It is a professional site which includes a leash-free section.


United States


Freeplay has great information, plus a leash-free chat room. This is probably one of the best off-leash web sites.

Long Beach Recreation Dog Park Assn. is a nonprofit organization which raises funds to maintain and improve an area of park used for off-leash dogs.

Pacific Beach Dog Owners Group (PBDOG) is one of the best leash-free organizations you'll find. It's extremely active and is on the verge of establishing a new off-leash park. Most C.L.A. members are involved in both organizations, even if just through membership. They have an awesome page worth visiting.

Palo Alto People for Unleashed Space- PUPS is an organization in Palo Alto petitioning for more off-leash areas in the Palo Alto.


FIDOS works to enhance opportunities for responsible recreation by dogs and their owners in Boulder, Colorado (both in the City of Boulder and throughout Boulder County).


Miami-Dade County Help start an off-leash dog park in Miami-Dade County, Florida. With over 156,000 dogs registered in Miami-Dade and no dogs allowed in any of the Miami-Dade County Parks, they are hoping to convince the county to dedicate a small portion of a large park as a designated off-leash dog park.


City Dog Owners Group (DOG) City DOG is a non profit organzation in Boise, Idaho working on developing off-leash areas in the city.


Catonsville Off-Leash Dog Park is trying to establish an official leash-free park, but is facing continued opposition from Baltimore County Recreation and Parks Advisory Council in creating an off-leash park.

Howard County Dog Owners Group (DOG) is devoted to promoting the establishment of an Off-Leash Dog Park in Howard County, MD.


The Ann Arbor Dog Park Off-Leash Project contains many excellent resources, including some important e-mail adresses. If you're looking for a listing of leash-free parks, this is another good site.

New York

New York Council of Dog Owner Groups (NYCDOG) was born of cooperation between two dog owner groups, founded by an alliance of seven groups, and now includes 21 groups throughout New York City representing over 15,000 dog owners, and growing.

Off Leash! is dedicated to an ecologically balanced society that integrates dogs into urban environments. Their focus is on Brooklyn. They are also known as Prospect Park Dogs.

West Chelsea Dog Owners Association -A bunch of dogs and the people who love them, working towards establishing off-leash dog areas.


DOGPAC,or Citizens for Fair Use of Park Space, offers membership, volunteer opportunities, and information through their site.

and have a number of other resources available.

Friends Interested in Developing Off leash areas (FIDOS) is recruiting interested dog owners and their supporters to increase the number of Off Leash Areas in Portland. (NOT UPDATED)


Dallas Dog Park's site offers the citizens of Dallas information on how to join forces and start a dog park. It includes city council information, petition forms, links, and more. (NEWS FLASH! The dog park has been started.. visit the site to find out how you can help.)

Sagacious Dog Country -A 47 acre dog park under construction in Pattison, Texas.


Utah Dogs is a site filled with resources for dog-owners and dog-lovers alike, and especially helpful for people living in the state. The site includes a forum for registered users.


Herndon/Oak Hill area If you've been looking for others in the Herndon / Oak Hill area who are interested in working towards creating legal, safe off-leash play areas for dogs, this is the right place.

The Reston Dog Park Coalition (RDPC) is working to bring off-leash dog parks to western Fairfax County, Virginia. They are a membership organization comprised of a seven member Board of Directors, volunteer committees, and over 255 members from Reston, Herndon, and other areas of Fairfax County.


Serve Our Dog Areas (SODA) -- non-profit organization formed to provide ongoing support and stewardship for the Off-Leash dog exercising area at Marymoor Park.

Explorer Dog! I was very impressed with the resources on this web site. They rate off-leash areas,

Not Local-
An excellent site, this web page has available a list of off-leash areas, a common sense approach to starting a dog park, as well as several other dog (not all off-leash) resources.




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