02/20/00 00:55:07
Name: Carlen Teninty My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Hillsboro State: Oregon Country: USA
Age: 26 Female or Male?: female How did you find my site?: Thru Michelle's webpage

Cool page. Good luck in college!

09/05/99 23:20:01
Name: Joe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: yawn State: blegh Country: Over There
Age: 17 Female or Male?: Male How did you find my site?: Browsing a webring

Pretty cool site. Thoughtful content, easy navigation. Keep it up. :o)

07/28/99 16:11:24
Name: Stuart the Maniac My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Austin State: Texas Country: USA
Age: not old enough yet too old... Female or Male?: male How did you find my site?: just swimmin' around

Heya! Cool page you have here! Drop by mine and sign my g'book if ya like! See ya! :-)

06/23/99 19:20:21
Name: ErinMarie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Jacksonville State: Florida Country: USA
Age: 14 Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: Viewing another guestbook

Good job! It's cool how you let people know how you feel.

06/22/99 21:40:16
Name: mari My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State: MO Country: USA Age: 15
Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: you signed my guestbook.

Hey! Cute page. I love that song thing at the beginning :) It has so much truth in it. I'm gonna finish looking around now. Keep up the good work. Thanx for visiting my site. Come again. ~Mari

06/22/99 18:12:58
Name: Joelyn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State: Connecticut Country: USA Age: 12
Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: u signed my guestbookie!


Hey! Thanks for signing my guestbook. I always return the favor! :-) Anyway, nice page! That
is funny how on your lyrics page u
have No Doubt's "Im Just A Girl" because my page
used to be called "Im Just A Grrl" and had that
backgro nd music on it. I also like
your poetry page. The poems were very touching and
beatiful, lol! U have a great talent on writing. I think your dog, Champ is very
cute, and your cat is very cute too! Keep
up the awesome work! Make sure to visi my page
again sometime! Buh-bye!

:: joelyn ::


03/30/99 04:54:23
Name: Tara My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Sac State: Cali Country: USA
Age: 20 Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: your sister's site

~*~Hey!~*~Your page is very beautiful. I enjoyed reading your poetry and the other poetry on your page. I will definitely come back again. Take care!

03/03/99 02:33:12
Name: Whitney My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State: Arkansas Country: USA Age: 16
Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: webring (2000 I think)

Your poetry was good. I liked it.

02/07/99 20:24:18
Name: Gretchen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State: WA Country: USA Age: 17
Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: My Guestbook

Hello, I love your page! I think your poetry is very good also,if you like sad poems, email me sometime, I have a whole book I've written. I used to have them up on my page, but I decided to take it down for privacy of my thoughts. I still don't mind s aring with people who ask - who are really interested in them. Thank you for signing my guestbook, hope to hear back from you soon. Take care, Gretchen

01/08/99 04:30:34
Name: Heather My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: ummm State: Tn Country: usa
Age: 16 Female or Male?: female How did you find my site?: webring

nice page check mine out sometime.

01/04/99 01:45:45
Name: Zed Malcovitch My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Monterey State: CA Country: USA
Age: 19 Female or Male?: Male (most of the time) How did you find my site?: oh you know...

I have nothing to say at this point in time.

12/04/98 13:01:03
Name: moe My URL: Visit Me
City: Toronto State: Ontario
Country: Canada How did you find my site?: search


Click Here to go to MOE CASCANETTE

11/28/98 00:12:09
Name: Shannon
My URL: Visit Me
How did you find my site?: Viweing another guestbook.

What a cool guesbook background and a cool webapge background. You have a nice webapge. You did a good job! Come and visit my webpage and sign my guestbook to let me know what you think of my webpage thanks! Hapy Holidays!

11/19/98 20:54:26
Name: erelene
My URL: Visit Me


Wonderful job, keep it up =)

Everyone please go to my homepage and sign my guestbook please ;)

Thanks Take Care Erelene

Just click on tha banner to go my page =)

10/24/98 20:34:21
Name: Natalie Goodwin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Rock Hill State: South Carolina Country: USA
Age: 18 Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: just found it!!

I am really really interested in becoming a dancer !! If you can, e-mail me some helpful information on how I can get started and what things I would need to do!! It would be greatly appreciated!

10/04/98 22:12:15
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/20/98 09:41:33
Name: Jade My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State: SA Country: Australia Age: 18
Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: you signed my guestbook :)

Hey Kim! I thought I signed your guestbook, but I couldn't find my entry in your book, so I guess I didn't! *oops* Anyway, thanks for signing my book a while back, anyway! You're interested in being in Broadway? So am I! I love to dance as well - lets thi k positively, and maybe one day, I'll get to meet you when we're both performing on Broadway! Goodluck with your dreams and goals, I hope you make it to the top. Oh yeah - I like your page :)

09/16/98 02:57:30
Name: laurel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State: fl Country: usa Age: 17
Female or Male?: female How did you find my site?: you signed by guestbook

hey-hi. cute page you have here--spiffy layout. suns moons stars.

09/14/98 20:00:09
Name: the Finger My URL: Visit Me City: Winnipeg
State: MB Country: Canada Female or Male?: male
How did you find my site?: someone's guestbook

nice. now, come and get some.

09/13/98 01:02:50
Name: Indiana My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Female or Male?: Male
How did you find my site?: Signature in my guestbook

woW Kim...you're poetry is incredibly heartfelt and intense, if you dance as well as you write, you are sure to succeed :)

09/11/98 04:08:14
Name: Duane My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: So.St.Paul State: MN Country: USA
Age: 55 How did you find my site?: crusin' the neighborhood

great site you have here..I enjoyed the opertunity to meet your sister also..thank you for sending me this URL

09/10/98 22:31:55
Name: Kellie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Ayr State: Qld Country: Australia
Age: 15 (16 in November!!) Female or Male?: I'm a Fab Fem! How did you find my site?: You signed my guestbook, too! :)

Wow!! You have one beautiful page!!! It's so kewl!! Your poetry is beautiful and the banners you have a kewl!! Great work, Kim!!

09/10/98 05:46:02
Name: Vince My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Tulsa State: Oklahoma Country: USA
Age: 36 Female or Male?: All Male Baby! Yeah! How did you find my site?: You signed my guestbook.

Hello! This is a really cool guestbook. I never saw one like this before. I would have participated in your music category contest thing, but since you had "Rap/R&B" I didn't. See, my favorite music is R&B but I hate rap music, so whenever you change hat, then I'll vote. Those 2 should not be in the same category. Anyway, thanks for signing the bookie! Bye!

09/03/98 14:00:43
Name: lauren My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Not Tellin State: NY Country: U.S.
Age: 13 Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: From a Guestbook

Your Page is CutE! Come Check oiut mine! Also join my Dance Mag onlnie for Dancers, It's free and we have over 500 Subscribers.

08/23/98 13:40:49
Name: GOOfY My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Oakleigh State: Victoria Country: Australia
Age: 22 Female or Male?: Male How did you find my site?: Search for good looking females! just kidding!! heheee

Xlnt homepage, I had a great time looking through all your links and infomation, really enjoyed your photo's too *giggles* :o) Keep up the good work, Please take the time to visit my homepage. Cheers from Dave

08/22/98 14:42:48
Name: Joseph My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State: Virginia Country: United States of America Age: 14
Female or Male?: Male How did you find my site?: Just surfed on in!

Nice web page, please look at mine.

08/19/98 04:47:35
Name: It is me!!! My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Busyville State: The face of the Sun Country: I live in the clouds
Age: .5 Female or Male?: Female.... How did you find my site?: Not by luck

Hey, hey!! Do you know who this is?? If you do right me back email. Hope to see you online sometime! ME

08/14/98 22:07:42
Name: Florence My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: San Francisco State: CA Country: USA
Age: 28 Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: seach around

Kim, I'm enjoy reading your poem! Keep up the great work!!

08/11/98 13:15:17
Name: Sophie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Montreal State: Quebec Country: Canada
Age: 15 Female or Male?: female How did you find my site?: you signed my guestbook

Hi! Thanks for visiting my homepage and signing the guestbook. I love your page, it's great, keep up the good work! :)

SOPHIE'< ont color="lime">S WORLD
PLEASE VISIT MY PAGE @ http://www.mlink.net/~sophie

08/01/98 01:47:44
Name: Lena My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: LoNg BeAcH State: CaLi Country: USA
Age: 12 Female or Male?: FeMaLe

Hi! Nice Page....

07/27/98 23:08:11
Name: Joe Fox My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Henderson State: Ky Country: USA
Age: 40 Female or Male?: Male How did you find my site?: My Guestbook

Kim, You have such a fantastic page!! Keep up the great work!!

07/27/98 15:56:08
Name: Kevin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Roanoke State: Virginia Country: USA
Age: 17 Female or Male?: Male How did you find my site?: Guestbook

you got a pretty cool page,,check out mine sometime,,,Angelfire is easier than Geocities.

07/23/98 17:07:58
Name: Tiki Hut Man My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Red Oak State: Iowa Country: United States
Age: 14 3/4 Female or Male?: Male How did you find my site?: You signed my guestbook

Hey...Thanks for signing my guestbook. You have a cool site here. Nice Year 2000 web ring...I have to say 2002 is better though, even though it sound odd.

07/22/98 06:32:39
Name: Jeff Muscato My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Columbia State: MO Country: USA
Age: 17 Female or Male?: male How did you find my site?: a guestbook
Favorite band?: Metallica! And I'm going to see them next Wednesday!


Come Visit My Own Little Place For Shit!
Lyrics Sea
ch, My Guitar Stuff, Links, MIDI, Chat, & More!

Hey what's up -- I think I've been here before a while ago. Your friend Suzy's pretty. See ya...

07/21/98 09:51:32
Name: Michelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Some town State: Oregon Country: USA
Age: 28 Female or Male?: All woman How did you find my site?: You're my baby sis

I have signed your book before but I just wanted all who came to your site recently to know how much I Love You!! I love your poems and, hey, that nephew and niece you have sure are gorgeous!!

07/18/98 02:56:12
Name: Leah My URL: Visit Me
Age: 15 Female or Male?: fe
How did you find my site?: another guestbook

Shorah Very nicely done page! Keep it up!

07/13/98 06:45:36
Name: Elizabeth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Orange County State: CA Country: USA
Age: 16 Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: My guestbook

You have a pretty cool page! It really is good. Thanks for coming to my site and signing the dreambook... I really appreciate it! :-)

07/10/98 09:11:13
Name: kian hua, chng My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: singapore Country: singapore Age: 25
How did you find my site?: word of mouth

Very well done , a lot of nice graphics, and really impressive.

07/10/98 02:33:15
Name: Chris Hile My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Hillsboro State: Oregon Country: USA
Age: thirty something How did you find my site?: Michelle Peppard

great job!

07/08/98 01:47:11
Name: Chantarelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Someplace... State: CT Country: Austria (j/k...USA)
Age: 14 Female or Male?: 100% Female How did you find my site?: from someone's guestbook

Cool page! The set-up is very nice. Come to my site sometime,but in the meantime keep up the great work!

07/07/98 01:47:58
Name: Ling Xiaoyu a.k.a. 006 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: w h e r e a n g e l s g a t h e r State: CaLiFoRniA Country: USA
Age: 15 Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: a guestbook


Come to me...

Interesting beginning for your page :) I like everything in general. Keep up the nice work and smile! hee hee

07/06/98 18:10:16
Name: Silver My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
State: Cali Country: USA Age: 16
Female or Male?: female How did you find my site?: surfing

Intersting page, enjoyed my stay, keep it up! Bye

07/05/98 06:34:35
Name: cybernaut My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Charleston State: SC Country: US
Age: 44 Female or Male?: male How did you find my site?: another guestbook


I'm at the mercy of my cat right now ;)
... BTW, Hi! How ya doin'!!!


07/03/98 22:29:57
Name: Mariah My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: mesa State: Arizona Country: USA
Age: 14 Female or Male?: female How did you find my site?: sis told me

kim-- awsome web page!! Did a great job! Like the pictures!

07/03/98 22:21:34
Name: Cassie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Mesa State: Arizona Country: USA
Age: 16 Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: You told me

Kim- I love your web page. It's pretty cool. I think that you did an awesome job on it, really!! Friends Forever, Cassie

07/03/98 18:21:13
Name: Gen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Lansing State: Michigan Country: USA
Age: 16 Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: Sarahs Guestbook :)

Hey Kim! I really like your page! Keep up the good work, Ok? Later!

07/03/98 16:37:24
Name: Robert My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Florence State: Arizona Country: USA
Age: 13 Female or Male?: male How did you find my site?: from a friend

hi,,hows it going? nice page. keep up the work

07/01/98 18:07:33
Name: zac yetman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: pittsburgh State: pa Country: usa
Age: 10/26/82 makes me ( 15 ) Female or Male?: male How did you find my site?: some ones guest book

cool page and i think you and your friends cheyrl, lauren, and suzy are vary cute

06/30/98 21:17:19
Name: coby My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: florence State: az Country: us
Age: 15 Female or Male?: male How did you find my site?: you told me

your page is looking good kim

06/30/98 02:34:58
Name: Ricky My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Kingston Country: Jamaica Female or Male?: Male
How did you find my site?: A link.

Kim,real cool,keep going.Do visit.~Ricky~

06/30/98 01:46:13
Name: STEPHANIE My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: MESA State: ARIZONIA Country: USA
Age: 16 Female or Male?: FEMALE How did you find my site?: FROM YOU


06/29/98 12:03:39
Name: Maria
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page! Stop by mine sometime.

Maria's Homepage

06/29/98 03:44:20
Name: Jeff Muscato My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Columbia State: MO Country: USA
Age: 17 Female or Male?: male How did you find my site?: a guestbook


Come Visit My Own Little Place For Shit!
Lyrics Sea
ch, My Guitar Stuff, Links, MIDI, Chat, & More!

Cool page -- your friend Suzy's pretty.

06/28/98 23:36:56
Name: Alicia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Wapwallopen State: Pennsylvania Country: Usa
Age: 14 Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: Award you wanted

Hey.. Cool page.. I'll send your award's code through email.

06/28/98 21:47:24
Name: Julie @nne My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Baltimore State: maryland Country: USA
Age: 15 How did you find my site?: surfed in

Hi Kim! Oh my gosh, you sound a lot like me! I played the violin for 6 years but quit last year -for a lot of reasons- and i'm also going into my Junior year of high school this fall. :D. Cool!

06/27/98 18:47:01
Name: Steph My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Roanoke State: VA Country: USA
Age: 13 How did you find my site?: You signed somebody else's G-Book

Hey there. Nice site. You know, I like classical music because of my violin experience too, and also like practically everything else. I love Matchbox20, Semisonic, Green Day, and all those alternative/modern rock stuff. Umm..I really don't like Metallica but it's growing on me.

06/17/98 07:03:40
Name: Michelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Blah State: Blah Country: Blah
Age: Blah Female or Male?: Blah How did you find my site?: Blah

All this college education and I can't even spell KEEP!!! Michelle;-)

06/17/98 07:01:10
Name: Michelle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
City: Banks State: Oregon Country: USA
Age: 28 Female or Male?: Female How did you find my site?: You sent it to me!

Hi sis~ I think you are doing a great job here. Kepp up the great work. I love you. ;-)

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