To Christ To The World Fellowship

Great is the Lord!

"To provide bible studies, prayer and fellowship,
                              and bring the good news about Jesus Christ."-Pastor /Teacher R.J.

        Our Verse in scripture is Romans 5:8 (NASB)

Thank you for taking the time to visit Christ to the World Fellowship which is a dynamic fellowship group located in Springfield,Va.

As you know, we want you to know that God Loves you for who you are, no matter what you've done!  You are His child if you are saved!

                           Please read and answer these rhetorical questions:
                                    1.  Ever wonder what your purpose on earth is?
                                    2.  Have you ever felt alone?
                                    3.  Have you felt empty?
                           If you answered yes to these questions, please come to our fellowship group and
                           we'll gladly explain the answers to you.

View our Goals:
1.  Teach others about the Gospel
2.  Encourage others
3.  Fulfill the Great Commission
4.  Help the needy

Christ to the World Fellowship is an associated ministry of Immanuel Bible Church.

For more information about the ministry, please contact Pastor Ramon Jugo or Joseph Gerna.

Would you like information about devotionals? please visit our link page.

Get to know our purpose of this Bible Fellowship Group.

Get to know our staff.

Sunday Worship

Our fellowship meeting begins at 11:30 a.m.

Our building is close to Immanuel Bible Church.  The name of the building is SCE.  We meet in the staff lounge for our morning worship, occasionally we meet in the gym.


If you would like information about ministries that we are involved in, please click here.

For directions, please click here.

Read about this week's message from Pastor Ramon Jugo.


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                                     The counter was activated on June 8th, 1998 and counting!

                                     Please sign our Guestbook

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                         To learn more about the webmaster, click here.

                Again, thank you for visiting and God Bless You.

        [F A I T H]  [D I R E C T I O N S]  [I B C]  [D O W N L O A D]  [V I E W G U E S T B O O K]






This page was last updated on July 13th, 1998 at 3:45 p.m. (EST) by Joseph Gerna.

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