Ferret Lovers Webring

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I'm Glad That More and More People are Joining the Ring

Thanx for visiting the Ferret Lovers Webring homepage. The purpose of this ring is to bring together all the great ferret related sites on the web. Wether they have ferret information or personal information about your own little fuzzies. If you have a site for your little fuzzies, or for others, then go ahead submit your dook site in the ring now. If you don't have a site for your little fuzzies, or for others, but would like one, just ask, and I'll create you one for a very low cost. I just want enough money for my time. 

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Goahead and join the ring! This Ferret Lovers SiteNext site Dook Is Owned By

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Sign my Guest Book! Or Bear will leave ya a present in the corner!
Go ahead, try and not to.

To get the Ring box go to veiw page source and copy the HTML for it.

Remember to only change the site I.D. and your name and e-mail.

If you just totally have no clue what so ever, just e-mail me and I'll

customize it to your needs.

Let Your Ferret Submit Their Site To The Ring

Slaves Name:
Ferrets Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Choose a Password, and let the Ferret stash it Safely Away
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site and Ferret.
Description: Enter a short description of your site and Ferrets.

Site ID No: 

I will set the Ferret Lovers of America's Homepage up shortly. I have been very busy lately, with school and all. I will probably do it this Christmas break.

I have removed the chatroom, since noone used it, and it took to long to load. If anyone feels that it should be replaced, please contact me. My e-mail has been updated. Thanx

Remember sites MUST be FERRET related and ratedG :) Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions about the ring. Ifyou need help with the fragment addition drop me a note. We are lucky to have somering helpers ( who are the greatest!!!!!) and they will help you with the additionand the editing. This has been a wonderful experience, ferret folks are sooo nice!!! And the pages are informative, funny and down right heart warming!!! If you are just signing up for the ring welcome to the family!

My e-mail has been updated


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