Skunk Works

Where dreams come true!

Skunk Works, the Aero Area

No, this is not a skunk!! But it is the closest image available in my Basic page building ability.

THE SKUNK WORKS is a real place (not a virtual one) in the high desert (not area 51). It was established by an engineer (the famous Kelly Johnson) and has for many years been called "Advanced Development Projects". Because of the original location which was next door to a tannery operation the name "Skunk Works" was coined. Foul smells encouraged the workers to name the operation with tongue in cheek. The name Skunk Works came from Al Capp's Li'l Abner comic strip which featured the "Skonk Works" where Appalachian hillbillies ground up skunks, old shoes, and other foul-smelling ingredients to brew fearsome drinks and such.

Of course, I prefer beer!!

Links to other sites on the Web

To find the Skunk Works!!
OR---See my Sweetie Pie!
I've never seen a better Dog.
Liddo is still in the Garden!
Look at Tootsie !!
Head for Home

I you are interested in Aeronautical Research and Development as we are, you need to check this out.

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