Who Are The Lions?
During the winter of 1917, World War One raged
across trenches carved into the hills of Europe. Scattered about the city of
Chicago, small social clubs were working independently at their own goodwill
projects to help the poor and unfortunate among their own neighbors. One
club member was convinced that an even greater good could be done.
Melvin Jones, an insurance salesman, wanted to
unite these small clubs into a strong organization which would then be able
to be a more powerful influence for good.
He presented his dream in Chicago on June 7,
1917 and the enthusiastic response called for a national meeting in Dallas,
Texas, USA. Only four months later representatives of 23 clubs founded the
International Association of Lions Clubs, now the world's largest, most
active, and most representative service club organization.
In 1920 the first Lions Clubs started in Canada
and in only seven years, the movement spread to China, Mexico and Cuba.
Lionism reached Europe in 1948, as clubs were chartered in Sweden,
Switzerland, and France. Today Lions Clubs work in 178 geographic areas
around the world, with more than 42,732 clubs and 1.4 million members. Truly
the movement has now become an international force for good.
Our Club
DAISY-DALLAS LIONS CLUB is located in Hamilton
County Tennessee and serves the Town of Soddy Daisy and the Community of
Dallas Bay. We meet the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM.
Lions are men and women who volunteer their time to serve the needs of
others locally and worldwide, all without any personal rewards. We gain
friendship, good fellowship and an enrichment of our own lives.
- Road Blocks for White Cane
- Sale of food and games at local Fourth of
July celebration
- Sale of Christmas Trees
- Annual Flea Market
Club Projects
- Quarterly garbage pick-up along U.S. Hwy 27
- Support of White Cane Project, a district
fund raiser that funds several organizations
- Fund eye examinations, eyeglasses, hearing
aids and eye surgeries
- Support of local Boy Scout Troop
- Conduct testing with the District 12-O's
Sight and Hearing Mobile Van
- Support Operation Kids Sight
- Help fund improvements for local Park
If you would like to learn more about the
Daisy-Dallas Lions Club or learn about membership opportunities send e-mail
or contact us at either address below:
Daisy Dallas Lions Club
P.O. Box 662
Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee 37379