Maureen's Quilting Page

Here are some of my quilts that I have drawn out using Electric Quilt 3 software. I hope you will enjoy them.

Someday (soon, I hope) I will have some actual photographs of these quilts to share with you, until then, these will have to do...If you would like to see a larger image of the quilt, just click on it. When the images were compressed, the colors changed some, so the larger images are the way they really look. I think the zip files are working now, thanks for your patience. I have added a new page for real quilts..if you would like to see them..

Real Quilts

To see More EQ3 quilts...

More EQ3 Quilts!!

This is the quilt I made out of my Birthday Ohio Stars.  this is also done in real life, except for the border.  soon I hope... ohiostar zip file

This is a quilt I put together from Ohio Star Blocks that I received for my Birthday (Thanks so much, group Yellow!!) This quilt is almost done in reality also, just need to get those borders on. This is a fairly accurate representation of colors used, too.

Blue sampler Blue Sampler zip file

Here is an "idea" I have for putting together a set of Blue and White Sampler blocks I have from a swap. The swap was from within The InterQuilt Quilt Guild. I just need to find the "perfect" blue and white floral fabric for those borders..any ideas ???

Purple sisters Purple sister zip file

This is the setting I want to use for all those great purple Sister's Choice blocks I have. I need to gather up a bunch of purple nine patches, so i can get this one put together soon. I love purple, so this will be a treasure!!

Enchanted Sampler Enchanted Sampler zip file

This is the Infamous Enchanted Sampler! I participated in a block swap sponsered by a great local quilt shop called the Enchanted Room. I have twelve blocks in all, but wished to use this setting, so I had to choose nine out of the twelve to use. I will put the remaining blocks on the back of the quilt, incorporating them into the label, somehow. I have all the fabric for this quilt all bundled up and ready to go, just need to find the time to get it together. this will most likely be my sister's quilt.

plaited block quilt Plaited Quilt zip file

This is a "someday" quilt. I was playing around with the Block Base software, and found this Plaited Block. I really liked it, so I exported it into EQ3 and had some fun. I know my hearts are not all centered, but I tried! I also learned to use the quilting layer in this one. I really liked it when I was done, and thought maybe you would like to see it.

Tulip sampler Tulip Sampler zip file

This is another Sampler, this time using a great Tulip fabric. These are blocks from one of the swaps I hosted in the InterQuilt Group. I loved all the blocks I received from it, and hope to set them like this. I am not quite sure about the border I seem to get stuck on borders, any suggestions???

Pansy quilt Pansy quilt zip file

This is my future pansy quilt. there was a huge swap of pansy blocks, and I went nuts! I love these blocks and I ended up with 18 12" and 27 6" blocks. I have a great small pansy print on cream that I am going to use in the sashing, and I hope to find a great multi colored pansy print for the outside border. It is a BIG quilt, and has a lot of wonderful pansies in it.. My colorings aren't even close to the great blocks I have.

If you have any questions or comments, let me know, I will be glad to help in any way I can.
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