Longfellow Family Connection

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LAST UPDATED 07 Aug 2002

Come on in sit down and grab yourself something refreshing to drink! Don't forget to also grab yourself something to keep a few notes on! This site is intended to help those who may not have had any genealogical notes handed down from past generations. The Longfellow Family is quite a difficult family to trace and perhaps new researchers will not have such a difficult time as others in the past have had; With everyone sharing their information that they have a flow chart will form of the descendants of the immigrant William Longfellow born in Horsforth,Yorkshire,England on 20 Oct 1650. If any of you have the exact date or ship of his arrival perhaps you could share that information also.

William Allen Longfellow b.1874""> Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java.
The Longfellow's Have become a tremendously big family in America. Starting out with William Longfellow b.20 Oct 1650 in Horsforth,Yorkshire, England. He Immigrated to America and married Anne Sewall daughter of Henry jr. Sewall<---Click there for related Sewall information also contains Longfellow information, She was apparently born 3 Sep 1662 at Sea as the family was making their second trip back from England ,and married 10 Nov 1678 at Newbury, Essex, Massachusett's according to Newbury records but court records indicate 1676. William and Anne (Sewall)Longfellow had 6 children: 1)Click here for descendants of William----->William Longfellow born 25 Nov 1679- Newbury, Essex, Mass.- Discouraged at his father's death, as William the Immigrant was involved in a shipwreck on 31 OCT 1690 At Cape Breton near Anticosti. For more information from the Government of Quebec about this expedition visit this link Click here----> Phips Expedition William, at about 11 years old when his father died, moved away from his family and they never heard from him again. He married in Boston,Mass in 26 Jun 1702 to Mary Davis but for some some unknown reason left her there ( Where she remarried William Sheafe in 1704) and he ended up sailing to Maryland and starting his family there. 2) Stephen R. born 10 Jan 1681 Newbury, Essex, Mass; He died young at 2 years old 3 Nov 1683. 3)Click here for decendants of Anne----->Anne Longfellow born 3 Oct 1683 Newbury, Essex, Mass. She married Abraham Adams on 13 Nov 1703. So having the Adams surname you could still be part of the Longfellow Family. 4)Click here for new link of descendants of Stephen----->Stephen Longfellow born 22 SEP 1685 Newbury, Essex, Mass. He married 25 Mar 1713/14 to Abigail Thompson and they had 10 Children. Many Maine Longfellow's and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow come's from this lineage here. 5)Click here for descendants of Elizabeth----->Elizabeth Longfellow born 3 Jul 1687/88 Newbury,Essex, Mass. She Married Benjamin Woodman on 1 Mar 1711 Newbury, Essex, Mass. This is where the Woodman's meet the Longfellow's. 6)Click here for descendants of Nathan-----> Nathan Longfellow born 5 Feb 1690 Newbury, Essex, Mass. He started many of the New Hampshire and Maine Longfellow's. He married to Mary Green on 28 May 1713. Most of the Longfellow's in this Country come from This immigrant William Longfellow. The only thing missing here is your handprint!If you are uncertain of how you connect to the Longfellow family feel free to email me at daviduhrey@msn.com
and we can figure out how you fit to the Family,and create new web pages for your family if you wish.Your help in contributing information for this site will help to make it a success and a great resource for others that search information. I have a big data base of Longfellow's and would love to connect your line. If you could share the information that you have about your Longfellow Ancestor's it will help connect the whole Family together to bring out a more clear picture of the Longfellow family. This is one great step for the Longfellow's Family and your contributions are extremely helpful. Please bear with me as the Longfellow family is certainly a big one.If you bookmark any of these pages please keep in mind that these pages may be moved to place them in subdirectories with the rest of there family lines.They should all still be at this site but may just have a new address. All of your input will be helpful for furthering it along.Visit our Appreciation Page For those who have generously contributed to the development of this site!
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Links to other sites on the Web

Link to Descendant's of William b.1679
Link to other Longfellow site
Nita Stormes found this link to some searchable Longfellow descendants of Stephen b.1685
Link to Geoff Pinkerton's home page
Link to Sherry Levick's home page
Link to The Uhrey Zone about Deshler and Johnson genealogy
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