Alexis is the oldest,she is ten.
She volunteers at a nursing home where her
grandmother is.
She sings and dances and reads to the
I am very proud of her.
She is an honor roll
Chris is 9.
He plays
baseballl and has been chosen to
a part in the Nutcracker that is put on at Christmas
He lives in a college town,Denton,Texas.
He too is an honor student,
Last year he was a
Darren is 6 and a real "machoman"!
He loves everyone.
He is a soccer player.
He weighed 12 lbs at birth.
He is bigger than most
children his age.
He was also a
"party boy" last year and has
been asked
to do it for the play this year.
He is
real excited about it.
is just 6 weeks younger than Darren.
He loves kingergarten.
Kam wears a hearing aid in each ear,
It is genetic,
My husband was the youngest of 12
All but 2 had hearing

I have a step
grand daughter,Her name is Stephanie.
She is 24 and has 2 cats.
She is the right hand man off her boss at a
large bank in Flowermound.
She is a lovely girl,she also goes
to college.
Wants to work with
handicapped children.
MY grandkids are animal lovers as well as
their parents.
Alex has 5 kitties, Chris and
Darren have 4, and Kameron has one.Kameron also has a
new baby brother. His name is Dustin
Alex has 2 dogs,Chris
and Darren have one.
There are so many I
can't remember their names.
Miss name one
and the children will correct you quite promptly.

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