Welcome to Ashley's Guestbook!

Theresa - 06/11/00 23:48:38
My Email:Chipis6@aol.com
Name of Homepage: don't have one YET
Nickname: Tesa
State: CA
City: Santa Ynez

I'm Gigi's sister's friend, Tesa!

I'm not telling you!! - 04/28/00 16:54:10
My URL:/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry/addbook.html
My Email:b_u_g4@hotmail.com
Name of Homepage: nope
Nickname: nope
State: nope
City: nope

cool wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jimmy V. Samuel - 02/27/00 01:52:44
My URL:http://jvsproductions.8m.com
My Email:Jvsamuel@hotmail.com
Name of Homepage: My page with Hip Hop and R&B Mp3s, sounds, lyrics,links,
Nickname: J\/$
State: |\|e\/\/ JeRZeY
City: TeA|\|eC|<

hey nice page please check mine out

Carrie - 09/27/99 01:03:42
My Email:sugar98738@aol.com
Nickname: Care, Carebear, Snow White
State: CA
City: Santa Ynez

ash, Hey girl whats up? Haven't sighned your book in a hella long time so I thought I would just to say HI!! LOL anyways... have you talked to Jimmy about Friday?? I think you should. talk to you later ok... love you bunches care <3 P.S. Are you comming to my hoooooommmmeee?? LOL (inside joke!)

Alli - 09/19/99 06:09:33
My Email:Rockyroad12@yahoo.com
State: CA


Justin Paulson - 09/17/99 18:15:50
My URL:http://jump.to/bmxr
My Email:d1rtjump@aol.com
Name of Homepage: Justin's Page!
State: Solvang
City: Ca

-hey ashley wassup?- This is justin Paulson i still like u and want to go out with you call me as soon as u see this..bye

GiGi Wilson - 08/26/99 22:44:17
My Email:Angel4GiGi@aol.com (I keep changing it)
Nickname: Angel, G, Geeg, screen name Angel4GiGi
State: CA
City: Aliso Veijo (I moved into an awesome new house!)

Hey Smash-Me! "Sunny Days sweeping the clouds away, on my way to where the air is sweet, can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame street?" :-)hehe (inside joke) I miss ya and hope to see ya soon! I'll call ya when I'm gonna be at my dad's. Love ya lots :-) <3<3<3<3<3 0:-)GiGi

Frank - 08/22/99 04:43:29
My Email:frankpanic@earthlink.net
Nickname: Paco
State: New York
City: New York

Ashley its me Paco hope you remember me.. please email me when you get a chance ok.. Thanks

aaron - 07/31/99 04:05:11
My Email:aaron4you@hotmail.com
Nickname: hay_u_im_in_2_jesus
State: texas
City: lufkin

yo it is just me aaron u have got 1 kick butt page i like it well l8er

Tim Page - 06/17/99 17:28:16
My Email:zlsd9@yahoo.com
Nickname: (((TOY))), (-Zeke-), CHORE, Serino, Sike
State: Texas
City: Dallas (East side)

UUUmmm, Ah, I got it! I am a pink puppy dog! Ruff ruff, Bark bark. SKATEBOARDING: The alternative to destroying the law! he he.

Tim - 05/03/99 01:16:08
My Email:zlsd9@yahoo.com
Nickname: (((TOY)))
State: Texas
City: Dallas

Hey Ash! I like the new pics, they are great. I'm glad I finally signed da book. I am so busy, I've been Skateboarding a lot lately, getting some new tricks down... Take It Easy, Tim SKATEBOARDERS WILL RULE THE EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carrie - 04/26/99 02:44:47
My Email:care15@mailcity.com
Nickname: care, carebear
State: CA
City: Santa Barbara

Hey girl whats up? Nice page Ash its comming along good!!! I really wish that you would put a better pic of me on this though. And take off my school pic. Well gotta go talk to ya soon!!! Love ya always, *CARE* p.s. "HI" danny

Audrey Ha,, - 04/11/99 01:00:34
My Email:ragus1357@mailcity.com
Name of Homepage: ------
Nickname: ragus1357
State: California
City: Santa Ynez

GREAT PAGE!!!!!! Can't wait until my picture is added! hope to hear from you soon! Your friend, Audrey Hamm!

garbageMan - 04/06/99 16:19:43
Nickname: garbageMan
City: Singapore

hey..your mom is gorgeous!

Kristin Beaven - 04/04/99 21:03:29
Nickname: Faith
State: California
City: LA

Hey Ash, Sup. If knowone knows hho I am, I'm Ashley's cousin. I'm 12 years old. My favorite colors are silver and powder blue. I play softball, basketball, and volleyball. (My favorite is volleyball). I LOVE to shop. Well, g2g. Love ya always, Kristin B.

Krista - 03/22/99 00:19:48
My Email:w.krista@mailcity.com
Nickname: Tommy Girl
State: Michigan

Great page!!!! Keep up the good work...i like ur graphics.....well gotta go bye bye see ya on ICQ!!!ô_ô

Janel - 03/19/99 00:48:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/JanelsWorld
Name of Homepage: Janel's World
Nickname: boycrazy14_98
State: Kansas
City: Mankato

Hi! Hope you remember me! I'm Eric's sister! I love your page. Bye!

Danny Zell - 03/13/99 02:25:20
My URL:http://none
My Email:bmxer_dan@hotmail.com
Name of Homepage: none
Nickname: bmxer
State: Ca
City: Solvang

Whats up this is you boy friend i am signing this just for you see ya soon Danny

Paul Marshall - 03/07/99 00:41:27
My Email:paul@dmarshall47.freeserve.co.uk
Name of Homepage: None
Nickname: Paul, Demon55b
City: England

Great Page Ash, Great pics also!

Aaron - 02/27/99 06:47:46
My Email:aaron4youhotmail.com
Nickname: dr.jay
State: texas
City: lufkin

girl u look good

Amy - 02/20/99 20:38:47
My URL:http://geocities.com/EnchantedForest?tower/9264
My Email:merli@megahits.com
Name of Homepage: Amy's Cyber Pets Zone
Nickname: I don't have one:(!!
State: CT
City: none I live in the woods!

Hi!! Your off to a great start! When your page is finished join The Site Fights! Its a blast!!


Allison - 02/19/99 23:14:11
My Email:Al_07@hotmail.com
Nickname: Al
State: MI

Hi Ash, Cort has told me a lot about you.I liked the pictures, you had on your webpage.Have a great day!!!! I used to live in CA!!

Rachael - 02/19/99 23:10:06
Nickname: Rach
State: MI

Hey Ash, I'm a friend of Cort's. She has told me all about you. she said you were very cool. Nice web page!!!

GiGi Wilson - 02/10/99 21:05:29
My Email:GiGi3640@aol.com
Name of Homepage: none
Nickname: GiGi
State: California
City: Santa Ynez

hey Smash-Me! I visited your page again. If carrie reads this: E-MAIL ME!!!!!!!!! well, gotta go c-ya! p.s. LIVER!!! (inside joke)

its to scarry to tell - 02/04/99 17:56:07
My URL:http://tcr.virtualave.net
My Email:psycyan@yahoo.com
Name of Homepage: TCR/The Creatures Realm
Nickname: Psychic
State: Warm florida..dont you feel jelious!
City: Boca Raton...HAHA! even more enveous arent you!

how is it that you get more people to sign your guestbook than me! i get 100visitors per day and nobody signs my BOOK! @_@ grr hehehe should i stop changing the colors now? ok.... well, this is the second time i signed this...because i had nothing better to do. Why does everyone sign "Love " @_@ what is this world comming to. And if anyone reading this spells my name "physic" im going to kill you!!!!! you know how you pronounce Physic!! it sounds like FySick! it makes you look like an idiot!! GRRRRR its PSYCHIC anright! got it! good @_@ now i shall leave

Hate, PSYCHIC visit my site some time (whoever is reading this) and SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! or i shall have to KILL YOU! BLOODY FOOL!

Chris Morrison - 02/02/99 19:41:13
My Email:gattica@hotmail.com
State: Ontario, Kanada
City: Grimsby

Ash, sweet page, you need more selections on your polls though, like, say the basketball diaries, or SubUrbia. I think you need pics of Carrie, please get 'em soon. Nice work though. Peace and Love

Ashley(not the other one and not the other one!) - 01/30/99 10:59:43
My URL:http://listen.to/Jingle
My Email:lady_ashley2@hotmail.com
Name of Homepage: That Cute li'l homepage i was edditin' yesterday
Nickname: Aghley/Jingle
State: I'M NOT FROM THE *puts on president clintons accent*united states of america
City: Surrey(UK)

allo allo ashley
I'm a fellow ashley as you can tell..
Anyway i see your parents signed the Guestbook..
Mine did too but i just edited the guestbook *evil smile*
Oh yeah gotta go my mums callin' me sayin' "HEY KIDDO GET OVER HEYAH YOU

Carrie - 01/28/99 01:31:30
My Email:Care15@mailcity.com
Name of Homepage: N/A
Nickname: Care, Carebear, Gilliean
State: CA
City: Santa Barbara

Hey Ash cool web page keep it up. I like your polls. I think that it would be cool if you had some music playing though. Hey everyone whats up? I want to say "Hi" to all my buds!! Tanya, Jamie, Ashley (Smash Me Hole) <-- inside joke pretty funny!!, She ley (Smelly) <--another inside joke!! GiGi, Kelly and Eric Moore whats up y`all? Hey if anyone wants to E-Mail me I look foward to hearing from ya. <3 Love Ya all Care

Erin - 01/24/99 03:28:21
My Email:ThePrincess01@yahoo.com
Nickname: Smidget, Princess, whatever
State: Florida
City: Daytona Beach

Really cool. I'll have to get some help from you when I make mine!

Danielle - 01/23/99 17:24:09
My Email:danielle@jayco.net
Name of Homepage: sorrry, don't have one
Nickname: Dani
State: Ft.Recovery
City: Ohio

Well, I was visiting your page and I decided to sign your book. Well, catch ya later on ICQ, bye!

Gigi Wilson :-) - 01/21/99 04:42:39
My Email:GGill24883@aol.com
Name of Homepage: don't have one
Nickname: Gigi
State: California
City: Santa Ynez

Hey smash-me! I like the changes! How come there isn't a picture of me?? Just kidding. When you put a picture of me, it'll be a better one than my dumb school picture. Please come over some time and show me how to make my own web page!!!! yours is really ool! weel, i visited your page, just wanted to let you know. Bye!!!

Carrie - 01/21/99 01:19:02
My Email:CarrienTami@prodigy.net
Nickname: Care, Carebear, Gillien
State: Ca
City: Santa Barbara

Hey Ash Good job as usual!! Keep it up. I don't see any pics of me in here. Haha I love your page E-Mail me ok. Hey Shout out to Tanya, Jamie, GiGi, Shelley, Kelly, Elyisa and to anyone else that i forgot sorry I still Luv Ya I promse!! Hey Ash we'll e friends FOREVER `cause we'll be stuck with eachother for the rest of our lifes!! C-Ya @ school tomorrow!! Love Ya Always & Forever Care <3

Chris cumings - 01/21/99 01:12:57
My Email:ccumings@hotmail.com
Nickname: spiderman
State: michigan


Tiffany - 01/17/99 21:48:26
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/sugar84spage
My Email:wmock@iquest.net
Name of Homepage: Sugar84's Page
Nickname: Sugar84
State: Indiana

Hi! It's me, Sugar84 from purple moon. Please visit my page and sign the guestbook! Thanx! I love your page! If you go to my page there is a link to my other page that has pictures!

Joanna - 01/10/99 02:04:31
My URL:http://surf.to/siva08
My Email:siva08@mailcity.com
Name of Homepage: Everything Sucks
Nickname: umm dunno
State: califoirnia
City: san francisco

hiya kari! oops if i just sent something i didn't mean to!!!! hehe well enyways awesome page! how'd u get to my 3eb page? ahhhh wait haha okay now i know....well n e wayz i AM getting that stuff u liked on my old page on my new page! cept it's taking a hile and stuff! well umm i guess that's it! l8rz

Joanna - 01/10/99 02:02:58
My URL:http://surf.to/siva08
My Email:siva08@mailcity.com
Name of Homepage: Everything Sucks
Nickname: umm dunno
State: califoirnia
City: san francisco

hiya kari!

Tanya - 01/10/99 00:30:56
Nickname: dimples/candy
State: ca
City: santa barbara

me and ash have been good friends since preschool we have had a lot of cool times togher like when we stoled got milk picturs from magizens when you got your hair cut. lol friends to the end Tanya(Dimples)

Travis R. - 01/09/99 03:39:08
My Email:tlr007@hotmail.com
Name of Homepage: something with a .com at the end
Nickname: krayzie da bomb cat or krayzie love some one
State: indiana
City: churubusco

your page is really nice got a counter for it?

Johnny - 01/09/99 03:19:05
My URL:http://www,angelfire.com/hi/thetreb
My Email:treble-cool@rsvlonline.net
Name of Homepage: THE TREB
Nickname: TREBLE_2
State: CA
City: Why U want 2 know?

kewl page

Kassie - 01/06/99 03:13:04
State: illinois

i like your page!

Eric - 01/01/99 21:00:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/hello4
My Email:ericbowersox@hotmail.com
State: Kansas
City: Mankato

Hello Ashley, This is Eric the one that you met on Lycos chat. Are you in 7th or 6th grade. Anyways you don't look that bad. :o)

Cortney - 12/31/98 02:24:55
My URL:www.talkcity.com/Kewlway/cort_84
My Email:cort_84@hotmail.com
Name of Homepage: Me!!!!!!!!
Nickname: Cort
State: MI

Hi Ash!!!!! I came and saw my picture, cool!!!!!!! Nice page. Talk to you later!!!!!!!! Cortney

Regina - 12/17/98 01:27:09
State: Germany
City: Berlin

It's amazing how many friends Ashley has ! I'm one of them. So am I entitled to a Christmas gift ?

Psychic - 12/09/98 05:54:24
My Email:psycyan@yahoo.com
Name of Homepage: The Creatures Realm
Nickname: Psychic
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton

Why must they ask all thoes questions, well never mind lets make the font Green! ack! no! i shall just stick with this Well this is a nice homepage, considering it was your first try(yeesh you should have seen mine GAG)if you keep at it, this place could start to look very good, or if your going to make a creatures web page.Keep up the good work Ah yes and for all of you who just Happen to have the game creatures then Visit my web page! The Creatures Realm

Dad - 12/04/98 05:27:28
Nickname: Da-da daddy-o
State: CA
City: Santa Barbara

Hi Ashley, my little darlin', You did a fabo-los job on your home-page. How'd you know how to do all that? I guess you're just so intelligent, capable, ingenious, creative, talented and lovely. Lots of love, DAD

Heather - 11/27/98 04:35:37
Nickname: Heffer
State: sb
City: ca

You did a great job on your home-page Ash! Now you need a picture of your beautiful sister-me.

Alex - 11/19/98 20:28:49
My URL:http://angelfire.com/al/Alexrew
My Email:AlexStowell@usa.net
Name of Homepage: DONT HAVE A TITLE
Nickname: ReW
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas

hey cool page i got your address from the 3eb page and came to this one well vist my web page OK and u r pretty i like your pic

Joanna - 11/16/98 05:12:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/KoRnSTaR01
My Email:KoRnSTaR01@yahoo.com
Name of Homepage: Motorcycle Drive By- A 3eb Fan Page
Nickname: Snowangel
State: Cali!!!
City: Lafayette

hi Kari/Ashley hehe!! thanks for visiting my page! i like yours a lot (i love felix the cat, cept his voice....hehe) well enyways i'll probably have another one of those ways to annoy ppl cuz i'm starting another page like that right now! well enyways i LOST YOUR ICQ # !!!!! o enyways if u want delete the number 12679080 a hacker dude sorta changed the password *oops* so add my new one: 20806558 thanks!!!! woah this is long so i'll cya 'round i guess, l8er!

Carrie - 10/10/98 00:05:39
Nickname: Carebear or Gellian
State: California
City: Santa Barbara

Hi Ashley,!! Whats up? To all of you out there out there who visit this home page just want to say that I've known Ashley since 4th grade and she is very cool!!! so come here more often!

Nicole - 08/18/98 22:08:58
My Email:ambrozia151813@yahoo.com
Nickname: jade/Violet
State: California

hey Ash. your page is turning out GREAT!!!!....sorry i didn't sign earlier!!U know u should come off here sometime/hehehe...Well talk w/ u later BYE BYE!!!

Joanna - 08/07/98 05:23:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/nevermind26page
My Email:radio_silence@hotmail.com
Name of Homepage: Lithium's Dungeon
Nickname: Sara
State: California
City: Lafayette

Hi Kari/Ashley! I really like your page! Thanks for linking me! Anyways, it's a really cool site! Cya later!

Michael "MAVERICK" Michalski - 07/28/98 18:05:25
My Email:wideair@hotmail.com
Nickname: MAVERICK
State: California
City: Rohnert Park

Kewl Site Kari you already know me so...

Jessie - 07/28/98 00:01:57
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Thayet/index.html
My Email:rebel_scum71@hotmail.com
Name of Homepage: The Realm of the Blue Mist
Nickname: Mara Jade from ICQ
State: California

Oops. Messed up. It is a kewl page, though! Here is a graphic


Jenna - 07/19/98 22:19:00
State: California

Hey Ash Nice web page!! It's cool! :0)HEE HEE HEE HEE Gotta go talk to you later! Buh Bye!

Lindsay Ann Keller Ann - 07/18/98 22:51:12
My Email:Ecoway@silcom.com
Nickname: Lindsay!!!!!!
State: California
City: Santa Barbara


Ashley - 07/18/98 19:21:03
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~hanson257/index-2.html
My Email:star_112@hotmail.com
Name of Homepage: Hanson257
Nickname: something/ JnCoGirl

CoOl BeAnS!!!! I'm loving the page. Keep up the great work and thanks for adding my page to your linx!!! :o)

Mom - 07/18/98 06:57:26
Nickname: Lee
State: California
City: Santa Barbara

You are one talented and intelligent girl!!! I can't believe how easy it was for you to figure all this out (with a little help of course) You are so creative and I'm very proud of you!!! I love you....with all my heart!!! Sweetie!! ;-x.....kiss, ((((hugs))))) ;-D

QOD - 07/17/98 18:45:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/3320/
My Email:qod@burgoyne.com
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake

awsome page Ash.............. you have really done a great job..... I like that in that pic you have your teeth.. not the wooden ones you are now using...... and Curtis doesn't have a fat lip...... you have really done a great job on your page... kee me posted when you change it. I will always come and visit. but I do want to see a pic of you and your wooden teeth !!!

Laura - 07/17/98 03:37:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/9252/
My Email:starlight24@geocities.com
Name of Homepage: starlight's Angel Page
State: IL
City: Chicago

Ashley, you did a wonderful job on this page!! Im really proud of you!!!

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