Josh's Favorites
I love Spider man and he is my favorite guy, and I don't watch him all the time, but I do watch him and I love him a lot and he is the best guy.
Some of my Fav television shows are:
Looney Tunes
The Busy World of Richard Scary
The Weather Channel
Goosebumps (I watch it with my sister sometimes)
Hey Arnold
(I really don't watch much TV at all these days,
but these are the programs I used to really enjoy)
I love to eat chicken, corn, chocolate chip cookes, ham and cheese sandwiches, 
hamburgers, peanutbutter and honey, 
pizza, spaghetti, and french fries. 
My favorite thing to drink is orange juice. 
I love Country Music and anything that has to do with Cowboys!
I also love animals and angel stuff. I love to eat. 
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My mom made this page for me, but I told her what to do. 

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Since 22 Jul 98

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