to Josh's Pets Page
(Josh made sure I put this bug far away from the frog
so that the frog would not eat it.*g*)
Below you will see pictures of my pets
Janine, my black lab, tried to get in through the cat door.
This was taken in our van on our trip to the animal park. 
I was sitting in the seat beneath his head. 

This is my bird, Houndbird Picture Pratt 
 my cat Casty 

These two are best friends. Casty loves tuna. Click on them to get your own. 

This is Lukey Thomas Pratt, my pet rock. Click on him to get your own. 
This is Terry, my adopted guinea pig. You can get one too if you click on him. 
Josh's Index Bear
Background set courtesy of Imamonkey Graphics 
My mom made this page for me, but I told her what to do.  Return to my main page.
Other kewl sources my mom used.
Since 22 Jul 98

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