Thank you for visiting my homepage! My name is Mary and this site
is dedicated to my family. My pets have moved into their own address
in Petsburgh leaving this Heartland address open for me to build a site
for my human family. Because of my hectic schedule I will be adding to
this site little by little. Please visit again for updates!
My future pages:
My husband Andy, my whole world
A dedication to my parents
My sister Maureen( for all she
means to me)
and her long time boyfriend Craig
My twin brother and his girlfriend
My older brother Mike and his wife
My little niece or nephew that is
on it's way:)
My wonderful in-laws (I was so
lucky to marry into a
great family)
I would also like to add some helpful information about
Cancer and dealing with the loss of our loved ones
to this awful disease. If you know of any good literature
on the subject I would love to hear from you. I am always looking
for good links to add too. Thanks again for visiting my site.
Please come again!
Please feel free to e-mail me:!