Becky - 07/15/00 13:11:58 My URL: My City: Milwaukee, WI Country: US of A Favorite Site: | Comments: Nice site, Nette! I have used Becki's graphics a few times, too - seems like anyone named Becky (Becki, ie, whatever) usually has good taste. :) |
Tracey - 11/11/99 20:06:25 My URL:/heartland/Fields/1451 My City: Antioch, CA!!! Favorite Site: The Parent Zone!!! hint hint | Comments: Hey Nette!!! Nice to see your pictures up :) Jenna is so big and has so much more hair than Chey!!! I can't believe it!!! It would be so great if we could meet some day :) Hugs to you all :) Tracey and Cheyna |
Jose - 09/15/99 07:41:33 My URL: My City: Madrid Country: Spain Favorite Site: | Comments: Lovely family, nice site. God bless! Jose |
Sisha - 08/23/99 04:36:20 My URL:/Heartland/Ridge/3880 My Favorite Site: ALL OF 'EM | Comments: Hey buddy! Just stopping in to see if you have made any changes... :o) Time for an update, girlie!! And you have noooooo excuses since you got the scanner for your birthday (or was that Chris mas)?? :o) |
CC - 07/30/99 18:08:28 My URL: My | Comments:
Just dropping in to tell you I enjoyed my visit here. Your pages look wonderful.
I also want to leave your mommy a gift, while I am here,
inviting her to join a wonderful webring for moms. It has many different things
to do that involve us mommies and our children.
Hope she can come check us out! Just click on the gift below....she will be glad she did. :) |
Dane^sGal - 07/21/99 06:11:09 My URL: My City: Las Vegas Country: Nevada Favorite Site: #mirc_colors | Comments: I enjoyed my visit here.Keep up the good work.Come to our page see what we do,don't forget to sign the guestbook.Now that's really friendship,have a nice day....Dane^sGal/DesertGal ![]() |
Bren75 - 06/28/99 10:38:53 My City: Andersen AFB, GUAM Country: USA Favorite Site: | Comments: HELLO there!!!! Finially I tracked you down and found somebody... Man I've been sooo lonely without storksite *lol* We are good. Sierra is growing and we are counting down our last few weeks here on Guam. Please visit my page if you have a moment or email me and tell me how things are going! Take care Brenda Sierra 1/9/98 Wyatt 9/22/94 |
Bren75 - 06/28/99 10:36:55 My City: Andersen AFB, GUAM Country: USA Favorite Site: | Comments: HELLO there!!!! Finially I tracked you down and found somebody... Man I've been sooo lonely without storksite *lol* We are good. Sierra is growing and we are counting down our last few weeks here on Guam. Please visit my page if you have a moment or email me and tell me how things are going! Take care Brenda Sierra 1/9/98 Wyatt 9/22/94 |
Leigh - 05/31/99 15:25:13 My URL: My City: Fort Walton Beach, Florida Country: USA Favorite Site: The Parent Club | Comments: Very cute kids. I must say I am glad you didn't take Jenna's 6 month pictures off, you are right, they are tooooo cute. I love the one of her in the metal bucket. Where did you get them done, I would love to have one of AmyLee like that. Though she is probably too old now.... |
Wispurr - 05/25/99 00:34:02 My URL: Country: Canada Favorite Site: | Comments: I stumbled in from Sisha`s page..glad I did. Great site! I loved the pic of Jenna in the flower pot. Anne Geddes Roll Over! ~thanx for having me~ Wissy |
Brenda (Bren75) - 05/11/99 22:57:24 My URL: My City: Yigo, Guam Country: USA Favorite Site: Mine (ha ha wink) | Comments: HEY nette just wanted to stop in and say hi! Love the pics of the kids they are so cute! Well take care and hope to see ya on storksite that is if they ever get it fixed! Love, Brenda and kids Sierra 1/9/98 Wyatt 9/22/94 |
Lisa - 05/11/99 03:48:34 My URL:/Heartland/Estates/4480/ My Country: USA Favorite Site: Storksite, when it's up | Comments: Just returning the favor. I bet you thought I didn't still have the addy! Tag, you're it! Hugs, Lisa (momali) |
Tracey - 04/26/99 14:31:31 My URL: My City: Antioch, CA Country: USA Favorite Site: Storksite :) | Comments: Great Page Nette!!! I was bored since SS has been down for so long, so I ventured over to the January Mommies Page and started looking @ all the babies !!! I didn't know you EVEN HAD a web page!! Shame!! Hope to chat w/you again soon :) Tracey & Cheyna |
Jozef Izakovic - 02/24/99 09:04:43 My URL: My City: Trnava Country: Slovakia | Comments: You've got a nice little boy. I like your page very much, it's so cute. |
Jozef Izakovic - 02/24/99 08:32:22 My URL: My City: Trnava Country: Slovakia | Comments: Cool page. You've got a cute girl. I like the pics very much. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Nancy - 09/13/98 04:17:11 My City: Hanford Country: usa Favorite Site: nails, nails, nails | Comments: Cute sight! It makes me want to do one. Too cute! Keep those cutie-pahtootie pictures coming! Luv you guys! |
Dunno It - 08/25/98 02:04:04 | Comments: I just want to know ONE THING???? How come there are sooo many pics of THE GIRL DALEY-ETTE and sooooo little of THE BOY DALEY-ETTE???? Does he know that he isn't loved as much????? :o) |
Chuckie - 08/16/98 21:24:31 My URL: My City: Keewatin, Ontario Country: Cana-DUH!!! Favorite Site: Sisha's of course...hahaha | Comments: Very cool page....caught the link from Sisha...her page is pretty contagious!!! ((Just like HER!!!)) |
Jim Empey - 08/01/98 20:41:56 My City: SLO Favorite Site: persian kitty | Comments: I could gag on all those hearts. Where's daddy's page? Good work. |
Lisa - 08/01/98 15:59:40 My URL: My Country: US of A Favorite Site: storksite, natch! | Comments: Hey there Nette! Nice page. Good to see what everyone looks like. I'm jealous of the trip to Disney! see you around the web! Lisa |
Jona - 07/20/98 16:01:19 My URL: My City: Houston Country: USA Favorite Site: Hmmm, too many to mention | Comments: Kewl page!! Thanks for stopping by my "home on the net", signing my guestbook and giving me the message from our buddy Sisha! Loved your pics and am looking forward to seeing more! Hope to see you in the chats more often! |
Eeyoure - 07/10/98 06:11:57 My URL: My City: Bay Center Country: USA Favorite Site: Why yours of course;-) | Comments: I love the Disney picture! It is so cute! I will visit again to see if you have added more. |
diane - 06/30/98 23:48:08 My City: Lompoc Country: USA Favorite Site: | Comments: Hi Ja-net-t, John, John Ryan, and Jenna!! Too cute web page. I didn't know you also had one. We like it! We like it! Have a good week!! love, diane |
Malta's - 06/23/98 02:23:45 My City: Beautiful Lompoc Country: USA Favorite Site: ESPNNet | Comments: Good looking family! Tell John thanks for buying me breakfast Saturday. He is such a good sport when he loses at golf (LOL). Good site. See you in the very near future. |
Lisa - 06/23/98 00:02:30 My URL: My Country: USA Favorite Site: storksite, natch | Comments: Good job Nette! Welcome to the web. Just one thing, the pic is cut off at the bottom. Catch you soon. Lisa |
Debbie - 06/22/98 17:51:05 My City: Olympia Country: USA | Comments: Looks good!! I can't wait till you put up more pictures! Good job! **Hugs to you & Jenna** |
Melanie Connolly - 06/22/98 12:43:35 My | Comments: Great site nette!!!!!!!!! |
Jerri - 06/22/98 06:04:03 My URL: My Country: U.S.A. Favorite Site: I have too many to name off | Comments: I didn't laugh I promise I actually like it = ) |
Leigh Hudson - 06/16/98 06:07:02 My URL: My City: Kingwood (Houston) Country: USA Favorite Site: Yours, of course! | Comments: I put the wrong address for my home page ... DUH ... this one should take you there. I changed it recently, hence the blunder. |
Leigh Hudson - 06/16/98 06:03:25 My URL: My City: Kingwood (Houston) Country: USA Favorite Site: Yours, of course! | Comments: Congrats for taking that giant step into cyberspace. Hope to see lots more of you on your homepage. Also, your daughers future husband (Kyle) wants to see more of HER too. C U on ICQ .... Bye for now! Get some sleep! |
Theresa - 06/16/98 03:11:38 My City: Pleasant Hill Country: USA Favorite Site: Nascar Online (of course) | Comments: Hey...You never told me you had a home page!! Well, thanks to Sisha, now I know! Give Jenna and Ryan a hug for me (& John too so he doesn't feel left out!). Catch you on ICQ soon!! XOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX!! |
Stacy Lauderdale - 06/15/98 23:56:40 My City: Lompoc Country: USA Favorite Site: NASCAR | Comments: What a good lookin' family. John, when are we going to golf again? Let me know, k? See ya later! Stacy |
Alicia/Sisha - 06/15/98 22:41:52 My URL: My Favorite Site: OURS! LOL | Comments: The page looks grrrrrrrrrrrrreat so far!!! You are such a good little computer geek! :o) Who does that scanning for you???? Some serious SCAN ARTIST, I'm sure!! LOL Keep up the great work..... and I'll check back on a DALEY basis! (ar ar ar !!) xoxo Alicia |
malia - 06/15/98 17:18:19 | Comments: |