This is Cecilia. She has such a zest for
life. A sense of fun and a well developed imagination
make her a very busy little girl. But it may have never
been. Just a little over seven years ago she was
abandoned by her mother, to be found on someone's
doorstep. Just a tiny baby, little more than four weeks
old. No one can say what was on her mother's mind. It
could not have been easy to give up her child. But by
placing her where she would be found, Cecilia was given a
chance at life. Today she is a blessing to the family who
took her in at four months old as a foster child and
subsequently adopted her. But it may have been a
different story. Since those days abortion has been made
legal in South Africa - the country of Cecilia's birth -
freely available on request, no questions asked. Parents
and family need never know. Perhaps this is the route
Cecilia's birth mother may have taken, given the same
opportunity. But Cecilia was given a chance at life, and
she has grasped with both hands.
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