How Do You Mend a Broken Heart



Your a very special person
who has made
a beautiful difference
in a lot of lives,
including mine
and I just thought
you might like to know.
by: Tracy Donovan


Some people wonder
if one person can really
make a difference in the world,
but I think its possible,
because I've seen
the difference you make
in the lives of those around you.
You don't just talk
about making the world
a better place
you do something about it
by reaching out
and giving your time
when others need you.
You're a wonderful example
of what a caring person should be
and in a world that sometimes seems
a bit cold and impersonal,
your warmth and compassion
really shine through.


I took this verse from a card
that I sent to
a very dear friend.
She was very sick
"but better now."
We met online
along with another friend
which was Oct.1997.
We also have more friends
in our group
that this can apply to.

My friend passed away Sept.2001.


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