Lincoln Theatre Guild
Lincoln Bank
Sanders Family Christmas
Written by Connie Ray
Conceived by Alan Bailey
Musical Arrangements by
John Foley and Gary Fagin
Directed by Trina Reynolds

Mervin Oglethorpe....David Lord
Pastor of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
The Sanders Family
Burl............Martin Reynolds
Vera...............Gaye Howard
Stanley...............Bill Moore
Denise..........Paige Rice Bess
Dennis..........Jason Reynolds
June.................Lydia Dunn
Piano...(and Godsend)
Martha Hoyle
Michael Burgess
Jessica Reynolds
Stand-Up Bass
Darin Aldridge
Eddie Biggerstaff
Dean Davis
Vicky Yount
Director...............Trina Reynolds
Musical Director....Yvonne Reynolds
Producer.................Marcia Davis
Stage Manager..........Austin Sugg
Lights...................Cindy Rogers
Sound................Pete DeGregory
Sets...Tommy Howard & Kevin Hull
Stage Crew.............Allen Rogers
...........................Leah Rogers
..........................Cassidy Sugg
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The Sanders Family sings
for the congregation.
Burl, Denise, Dennis, Vera, and Stanley
June doesn't sing...she signs.
The Sanders Family band
comes forward for a rousing
rendition of "Jingle Bells."
Dennis, the boy twin, witnesses.
Pastor Oglethorpe looks on.
The family listens as Dennis
tells about joining the service.
Dennis hugs his father goodbye.
Vera cries as Dennis says his goodbyes.
Vera sings a special song
for her son.
Burl and Denise stand by
ready to harmonize.
Stanley tells about going to Hollywood.
Pastor Oglethorpe and Cousin Martha
listen as Stanley talks.
The power goes off and
the family sings by candlelight.
Vera gives the children's devotional.
Vera explains how God's Christmas
tree might look.
Watch out Vera, the tree is tippy!!
The family runs to help get the tree
off of Mama.
It's OK, Vera is just fine.
(Look at Denise sniggering in the background.)
Vera prepares to sing a song for Burl.
Burl accompanies her on the harmonica.
The band comes
forward for another song.
Dennis joins in on the guitar.
Rev. Oglethorpe surprises
June with a proposal.
Does she say yes????
Pastor Oglethorpe isn't too sure.

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