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Born 7-9-97 at 24wks. 1lb 10oz 13"

Maddie&Dad 6days

Maddie was born early due to placenta previa which caused hemorrhaging and resulted in a ruptured membrane. I was hospitalized at 23wks and was able to hold off her delivery til 24wks. She was delivered vaginally and whisked away and taken to another hospital.Here are pictures of her at just a few days old holding her daddy's finger and 6 days old sucking on a preemie pacifier while vented.

kangaroo 6wks

Maddie was only on the vent for 1 wk and then put on CPAP she graduated to nasal cannula at 8wks. We started kangaroo care at 20 days old. We did well for about a week and then she became stressed...for what reasons we don't know but she started to struggle with her breathing and we went thru about a 2 wk period of not being able to hold her and she was very sensitive to even voices...and that crying baby in the next room:)Once she started doing better we played dress up with her and put her in all sorts of pretty little doll dresses.

Mom&Maddie standing  

Maddie came home after 107 days in the NICU...things went smoothly til her first cold and she just never seemed to recover and ended up back in the hospital several times. They found she has BPD,Asthma,and Tracheomalacia so she was put on oxygen 24hrs.

Maddie is doing well developmentally she started walking at 15mos actual age.Her speech seems to be progressing well also.Check out our Watch Me Grow page for more updates.

Click on picture for most recent update-See what a miracle this little girl really is!
3yrs old

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