Farr's Quarter Horses



Farr's Quarter Horses have crossed the bloodlines of Smokey Duster Too, Watch Joe Jack, Leo, Three Bars, Showdown, and King P-234. When we started out 17 years ago our dream was to raise good horse that our own children could use in 4-H and pleasure. We knew we also wanted horses that had good cow sense, because we also own and operate a farm and ranch. Please be sure to check out all the pictures below. ENJOY!!!

"All these horses were photograph in the pastures they live in."

These pictures may be slow to load but the wait is worth it."

Janice and her 2001 colt

Frontier 60 Welcomes You


Lady(New Baby 2001)
Legend(New Stallion)
Alaska Photos(NEW)
Rein(New Baby 2001)
Had That One Back
Farm(New Pictures)
Mountain Lake(dad)
Unchained Melody (ya)
Magic Of Two (NEW)
Winter Ride
Nebraska Sunsets
Softplace to Land
For Women

White Palm Real Estate Cartoon

Nebraska Raised Horses

Frontier's Homepage

Hunt Nebraska

Hunt Nebraska

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