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Index to My Miscellaneous Photographs.

Pictures of people I have known,
places I have lived and visited,
home schoolers, pets & music.


Before anything else, here is my one music page, (so far)
one about the musical genius, master of parody, Weird Al Yankovic.


Pictures of my friends. 
Here you can see pictures of my friends.
Pictures of High School friends. 
Here you can see ancient pictures of my friends in high school.
Pictures of homeschoolers. 
Here you can see pictures of homeschoolers I have known.
Pictures of Our Trip to Raleigh. 
Here you can see pictures of our trip to Raleigh, where we met several homeschooling families.

Pictures of Places I have lived.

Living in Ohio
Pictures of where I grew up.  
Here you can see pictures of the house and yard I grew up in.
Pictures of our house and times in the country.
Here you can see pictures of the house my kids spent their early childhood in.
Pictures of the town I lived in, North Central Part of Ohio.
Here you can see pictures of where I lived during my third marriage.

Living in North Carolina

Pictures of North Carolina, where we lived. 
Here you can see pictures of where we lived in North Carolina.
Pictures of North Carolina, people we met.
Here you can see pictures of various people we met in North Carolina.

Living in Austin, Texas

Pictures of Beautiful Austin, Texas, areas of the city. 
Here you can see pictures of beautiful Austin, Texas.
Zilker park, in Austin, Texas. 
Pictures of the park known in Austin for its rose garden and other beautiful flowers, as well as a place where year round activities can be found.
Pictures of Friendship Place Apartments.
Here you can see pictures of where I worked and lived in Austin.
Pictures of Unity Church in Austin. 
Here you can see pics of Unity Church, inside and outside and some of the people. 
Pictures of My Friends in the Singles Group.
Here you can see pics of my friends in the Unity Church Singles group.

Living in Las Cruces, New Mexico

Pictures of Wildwood Apartments. 
Here you can see pictures of Wildwood Apartments, where I lived and worked.
Pictures of Las Cruces. 
Here you can see pictures of Las Cruces, New Mexico, where I lived for a while.

Pictures of Places I've Visited (more below)

Pictures of the Smokey Mountains.
Here you can see pictures of the Smokey Mountains from a trip in the Spring of 1994.
Pictures of California 
Here you can see pictures of California, the Pacific Ocean and the mountains.
Pictures of Circle Pines. 
Here you can see pictures of Circle Pines, a Cooperative Camp for not only the young, but the elderly and all the in betweens.

Go To Other pages of pictures I have taken or that I like a lot.

Index of all pages about  me
Random pictures of me
Pictures taken more recently
Pictures taken even more recently
Sitting at my good old computer
Pictures of sunsets I've taken
Pictures of pretty trees I've taken
More trees
Pictures of mountains I've taken
Pictures of interesting buildings I've taken
Desert pictures
Pictures with water I've taken
Other Nature Pictures
Pictures outside of Raleigh I've taken
More Pictures outside of Raleigh
Pictures of interesting people I've taken
Cute pictures of my kids
More cute pics of my kids
Events pictures
Home Schooling Hosts & Their Families

And Our Various Pets


Various Places I Have Visited

Here are all the pages with pictures &
stories of other stays with home schoolers.

When we home schooled and had to travel across the country, we were hosted by other home schooling families. Here are pictures and the stories of the different families, on our different trips. These were all great people who opened their homes to us. It was much more fun and educational than staying in motels. Thank you to all of you!

1 Vacation/Informational Trip: Ohio to Roanoke, Virginia, in 1985 7 Moved: From Ohio to Austin, Texas in August of 1994.
2 YES!Seminar: Ohio to The Farm in Tennessee, in the Spring of 1993. 8 Visitation Trip: Austin to Ohio in January of 1995.
3 Pictures of The Farm itself. 9 Custody Trial: Austin to Ohio, July of 1995.
4 NCACS Conference: Ohio to Virginia then Raleigh, North Carolina, Spring of 1994. 10 R & R after trial: (Rest and Relaxation): Ohio to California, August of 1995.
5 North Carolina Camp Out: North Carolina, just after visiting Raleigh. 11 Back to our home:in Austin (with the girls) September of 1995.
6 Home Schoolers near Ashville: Going home after the Camp Out-Get Together. 12 Our Ohio Home Schooling Group: Pictures of our support group consisting of only 4 families..

Now you can go to...

My index of family photos...Click here.

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 A small fairly recent photo of me.

This page was created May 28, 1999,
and last revised August 15, 2002.

(C) Copyright 2002 Maggie Rose. All Rights Reserved

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