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Pictures of the
Home Birth of Serena

Welcome to my revised version of pictures of the birth of my youngest child, Serena. Since this has become my most popular web page I thought I would try to spruce it up a bit. I get concerned about how long it might take to load all the pictures, since the emphasis on this page is photos of the birth, before, during and after. To avoid long loading times I have reloaded all the pictures after compressing each picture.

I made this page for people who are expecting babies, people who are curious about what a homebirth looks like and just anyone curious about this miracle called birth. If you have come here hoping to see my private body parts, you are not going to be happy because nothing shows.

This is one of the most important advantages of home birth! The baby is with her siblings immediately and they can bond together.

My 3 kids together, 10 minutes after Serena's birth.

While I understand that some people prefer hospital births, and that some births have serious complications and need the intervention of modern medical care, I also believe that in many cases, such as mine, that homebirth is a wonderful way to welcome your baby into this world and much preferred by me and many other women. I would never suggest that everyone have a homebirth, and I would hope that no one would ever pressure you to go that route because they think its great. You have to want it yourself and you should feel totally comfortable with your decision.

I have already received mail from people who are angry that I suggest homebirth as an option, and from people who find it as fantastic as I do. If you have any doubts, keep researching, talking to other women who have gone through it, and women who have had hospital births, listen to and read about the good and bad of both experiences. Talk it over with your health care practitioner, your mate, your family, your friends. Think about it all, the good the bad and the unknown. How would you feel if several years from now you decided that today's choice was wrong for you? Try to think through how you individually would react to the hospital (or even birth centers) atmosphere, as opposed to your own home. There is something to be said for being comfortable, whether that is accomplished by being home or in the care of a doctor and hospital staff. Its an individual decision. Yet, for me, every time, I was so so happy that I chose the home option. More importantly, I think it was the best decision for my 3 babies too.

Being Pregnant

The Adventure Begins

Me, 9 months pregnant. Me, 9 months pregnant, with my two older children, in 1985.

Here I am with my two older children, about 2 weeks before Serena was born.

Both of these first two pics were taken the day I was in a car accident. We were hit from behind and I had whiplash. It made for a very long and difficult labor at times. In fact, for a while the midwife was discussing the possibility that I may have to go to the hospital. She called in another midwife who was more experienced and I was put into a different position. That was all I needed and within a half hour I was ready to push my baby out. Both midwives doubted I was ready and insisted on an internal exam. After being in labor off and on for 3 days, and with the last 10 hours being pretty hard labor with very little dilation of my cervix they were very surprised to find me totally dilated so soon (10 centimeters) But I am getting ahead of myself.Me, just my big belly, very pregnant.

There is so much I could say about the choice to have a home birth, but I won't take up your time here. I made My pregnant belly with my second child, at 9 months. another web page that has lots of links to great sites with information on birth, whether it be a home birth, birthing center, or hospital birth. Maggie's Home Birth Page I can only say that I am totally satisfied with my choice and have always felt grateful that I was able to have my children born at home.   

On the left is a picture from the pregnancy before Serena, 4 years earlier.  Just thought I'd throw it in here. I'd put the pictures from my first pregnancy in here but my ex has them and refuses to return them.  He probably threw them away by now.

So that this page doesn't take too long to
load I have divided it up into sections.

To the Birth Pics.Go to the next page, labor and birth.

Index of Serena's Birth Pictures

Serena's Home Birth Pictures, Part 1, I'm Pregnant.
This is the first in a series of 4 pages of the home birth pictures of my third child, Serena.
Serena's Home Birth Pictures, Part 2, Her birth.
This page shows me in the final stages of labor and ends with her birth and a few minutes later.
Serena's Home Birth Pictures, Part 3, After her birth.
Here are pictures of Serena from a few minutes old to a few hours.
Serena's Home Birth Pictures, Part 4, With her sibs & a few as she grew.
Here are a couple more pictures of Serena with her brother and sister, along with a few pictures as she grew into the sweet little girl.

All of Serena's pages.

Photos Before Serena was born.
Pictures of myself, pregnant with Serena..
Photos of Serena's Birth.
Serena's birth, tastefully edited, of course.
Photos of Serena as an Infant.
Serena one hour old up to crawling.
Photos of Serena as a Baby.
Pictures of Serena from about nine months to toddler stage, in Ohio.
Serena 9 months to a Toddler.
Pictures of Serena as a toddler.
Photos of Serena as a Preschooler.
Serena around three to around five.
Photos of Serena as a Young Child, Age 6 to 10.
Pictures of Serena around six to ten.
Photos of Serena as She Nears Her Teen Years.
Pictures of Serena from her preteen years.
Photos of Serena as a Young Teen.
Serena when she was in her early teens.
Photos of Serena in her mid teen years.
Pictures of Serena age 15 to 17.
Photos of Serena in older teen years.
Since she's 17, this isn't ready.
Photos of Serena From Her Schools.
Serena's School Pictures.
Photos of Serena With Her Grandparents.
Pictures of Serena with her grandparents.
Photos of Serena With Our Dogs.
Serena with our dogs.

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 A small fairly recent photo of me.

  This page was created
October 26, 2001
and last revised September 2, 2002

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