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Maggie's Home Page

flowers line  
Interested in Homebirth, Home Schooling, Women's Issues, Having Fun, or My Famous Embarrassing Personal Page? How about bunches of photo pages of my family? (I bet that really sounds exciting!) My home page will explain a little about my interests & take you to my sites which from there will take you to zillions (slight exaggeration) of other links.

But first...

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web


Just so you know, my whole life has changed since I first made my web site. I've been divorced, all three kids are moved away, I have two grandsons (who turned 1 this last January and March 2006) and I have a job at a nursing home. I get to play all day since I am in the Activities Dept. Well, its not exactly the same as playing on my own, but its still a good job for me. I enjoy helping other people. Unfortunately I don't have much time to work on this site so there are lots of dead links and outdated information. Sorry. Hopefully there are enough completed pages to make your time worthwhile and interesting.

Now, here's my web pages.

Go to my Home School page.

 How do your children learn? Do you think school is the best way for them? Have you thought about home schooling them? In my Home Schooling page I tell you a little about my experiences and then offer you links to sites that discuss this question and educational help both.

Since I live in Ohio, I also have made a page that tells you what you need to do to legally home school your child in this state.

Go to my Homeschooling Page
Go to my Home Birth Page. For anyone who is expecting a baby and considering having it born at home, in my Homebirth page is a collection of links for you. There is also some info about pregnancy and child birth in general and some of my story.

You will also find several pages of pictures of one of my home births. Of course the pictures are tastefully edited. Pictures of Serena's Birth

Mini picture of my third baby just after birth.
Go to my Women's Issues page. This next page is mostly for women, although men are certainly welcome to visit too. Part of this page is some of my history that has led me on the path I have walked and the thoughts and beliefs that are part of me. I am reluctant to share some of it but I feel like it may inspire other women or help them. You even get to read about some of the mistakes I made getting married too soon.

As far as the rest of my Women's Issues page... Since I and about half of the population are female, I have found links for us as women. Some of these are women's health issues, some are career info and help. Since I don't know a lot about lesbians I included some links that go to some interesting gay sites hoping to educate myself and others and perhaps be of service to gay women.

Mini image of my grandmother as a young woman.
Go to my About Me page

This is a huge site. Everything you can think of about me is here. You won't believe how big this is and how ridiculous it is of me to put all this on the web! Genealogy, homes, pets, old friends, vacations and more.

This is my favorite page (because I get to talk all about myself) is named About Me Very unusual name, isn't it? It also includes info about my family. For you it might be as exciting as watching paint dry, but I try to make it entertaining. 

I even include things like the history of my hometown, the Indians that used to live here, the Great Black Swamp that covered this part of Ohio, and even a story about my grandmother's mother scaring bears off her porch.

Here is a page taken from my Childhood Diary at age 10.

And for even more thrills, I took pictures of
  My Paintings and put them on a web page. 

Mini image of me.
Go to my Silly and Wacky page. How about just plain fun and games? Do you enjoy Web Cams? (Camera's set up so you can observe people and places all around the world in actual time.) How about sites that will make you laugh yourself silly? (Or maybe at least chuckle a little.) Want to send free online cards & virtual gifts but don't know where to find the sites? They're all on my Strange & Silly, Wild & Wacky Page. You'll also find links to strange sites, goofy places and pranks to play on unsuspecting online friends.

If you know and love Weird Al you will be pleased to find links to some of his sites too. Here is a page I just made with pictures I took of Weird Al and his band backstage at a Toledo, Ohio, concert, in November of 1999. So if you need a break from life's stresses, you will find it here. Enjoy.

Mini image of a man wearing an elephant costume.
Go to my Family and Friends Web page list.

Now for my Friends and Family's home pages. I have sites from all 3 of my kids and from my husband. Even my mother has a web page here. Plus I have a few friends who have web pages who are featured here.

On another page I call Web Help I have collected a few misc. links to excellent sites dealing with making web pages, graphics you can have for free, and banner makers.

Mini animated graphic of a computer enthusiast, typing away.


Here are some photo indexing pages listing other pages I made with lots of pictures of family, friends, events, places and scenic views. I also include pets and places I've lived. Obviously, the older pictures were taken by someone other than me, but almost every one of the pictures taken in the last 20 years or so were taken by me.  Some of these pages are also in my "About Me" series.

My Photo Index Pages


Here is the list of all my family, from my grandparents grandparents, my parents childhood & beyond, pictures of my children, my siblings, relatives and everyone in between.

Main Index of Photos of My Family

Click to go to my photo index of my family.
Go to my Friend's, Places,
             & Pets Pictures Index.  

Here is the list of all the other pictures, people I've known, places I've lived, sunsets & other scenic or artistic pictures, pets and anything else I thought someone else might be remotely interested in.

Friends & Places Photo Index

Mini picture of a sunset.

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This page was originally made sometime before May 11, 1999,
and last revised June 6, 2006.

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(C) Copyright 2005 Maggie Rose. All Rights Reserved
And since I last revised this,
I got a job,
got divorced
and both my last two children
flew out of the nest!
What a year!
Update And NOW both of my girls just