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Breeders of Mille Fleur Booted Bantam Chickens,
English/American Cross Budgies, and Australian Shepherds
We are Lorin and Karen Benson and we live in Shadow Hills, which is in Beautiful Southern California, in the foothills of the San Fernando Valley. The weather here is conducive to raising HEALTHY stock because of the naturally warm and dry year round climate.
We have been raising chickens for thirty five or more years for fun and profit. Mille Fleur Bantams for about seven years. They are true to the standard and are feather legged and bearded. All of our birds are bred and raised outside which makes them good for transplanting anywhere in the states. If you are in our area, come by for a visit. We would be glad to show you around. Please call first......
Lorin & Karen Benson
Shadow Hills, CA
Click on the mailbox to send us a e-mail
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