Cats Page
Seems like
we've always had cats, but you have to start somewhere, so we'll
start with Pumpkin. Pumkin was a sweet little marmalade tabby
that was born to a stray we had adopted. Pumkin was the runt of
the litter, but she's the one Kasia, then age 5, picked out as
her own. That was 23 years ago. Pumkin and Kasia grew up
together. Theirs' was a story of true love and friendship. She
had never had any kittens and we thought her infertile.
years later, a gorgeous long haired male fell in love with
Pumkin. "Thumbs" was a stray who looked like a mix
between a long-haired silver tabby and a Maine Coon. He also had
the largest double paws I've ever seen.

After about
a year of his being around, we realized he'd moved in and gave
him his shots. He quickly became a member of the family, earning
his keep by guarding my old VT100

and posing
prettily for our Christmas cards.

Pumkin then
surprised us by having a kitten. Just one mind you, a litter of
one, but that was enough to let us know she wasn't sterile! We
named her baby Squash, but little Squash didn't last a week.
Because of
Pumkins advancing age and frail health, we thought that getting
Thumbs fixed would solve the problem of more kittens. Not. David
came home from work one day and was startled by a stray Tom that
came running out from under the bed. We'll never know how he got
in, but once again Pumkin gave birth to a Litter of one. Her
little orange baby was so tiny we called him Squirt. That was 12
years ago.
We had poor
ole' Pumkin spayed after that, but she was a wonderful momma
kitty. Pumkin was 12 years old when she died of cancer. This was
a tragic loss for Kasia , but she handled it like a trouper. We
buried Pumkin next to her little Squash in our Kitty's graveyard.
Thumbs lived
with us for 15 years til we lost him to cancer in October of
1996. He too is buried in the kitty graveyard now. Losing Thumbs
was a real blow to all of us.
Now we found
ourselves down to one cat. Good ole Squirt.
Squirt has
the best manners and sweetest disposition of any cat we've ever
owned. He had to have all his teeth pulled out last fall, so now
he's also known as Gummy Bear, but he's doing just fine.

We lost old
Gummi Bear on 9/12/01, less than a month after my Dad's passing.
Just as Thumbs seems to have left us to keep my Mom company, I
think perhaps Squirt is now purring on Dad's lap.
In August of
1997, we snagged two little gray feral siblings, a brother and a
sister. They were about two months old when we captured them and
quite wild. We put them in their own room where they stayed for 6
weeks before we could even touch them. Now they're the most
lovable little mushes anyone could hope for. We named the little
male Teddy Bear and the little female Heidi.

worked out so wonderfully with Teddy & Heidi, that we decided
to go for it again. Their mother had another litter about a year
later..somethime near the beginng of July, 1998. One of these was
just too adorable to resist and so last Friday, 8/22/98, we
managed another 'catnapping'. This little one looks so much like
Thumbs I had it in mind to call her Thumbelina..but that being
just too much of a mouthful for such a little thing, it's already
been shortened to "Thimble". It took 6 weeks before we
could even touch Teddy or Heidi, and Thimble is older than they
were, so I was ready for a long taming process. Not necessary.
She went to the box immediately and was purring in Eric's (our
own Horse Whisperer) hands within an hour.
further ado..may I present.... :THIMBLE" !!

Are we cat
lovers in the LaPier household? ah..yeah..I guess you could say
animation done my

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6-01-98 :)
by ?. Collected by a friend at a cat's web-site. If anyone knows
the creator, please email me with the name.