game ever on the Internet and I'll never be the same. The
game/contest lasted about 3 1/2 months, from October til
Jan. 15th, 1997.

40,000 players were registered, all trying to win the 5
vehicles offered to the top 5 players.

was a chat area in the game called 'The Pitstop'. It was
broken into a few different rooms, but the the die-hards
among us slummed at 'The Breakdown Bar'. Here we were in
competition with each other , trying to rack up the most
milage points by rescueing stranded players who had to
come to the pitstop to ask for a tow etc. I met the most
terrific people playing that game.

or not, this game brought out the best. My now good bud
Bev (Stu2dogBev in the BL game) scored the highest actual
miles in the game. Not too shabby when you figure over
40,000 were playing! Not to be outdone, (well, ok..but
only by Bev), I came in with the second highest mileage.
Our good pals Suze (AKA HwyCruzer) and CS (CSteeves) were
somewhere in the top ten or twenty.

of us had the great good fortune to meet last Summer at
my place in Boston. Bev came all the way from Washington
State (compliments of some round-trip tickets she won for
coming in first place in the msn Netwits game); Suze
drove up from Atlanta in her Cruzer and CS and Tj drove
down from upper Mass. We may have broken a record for
number of Mudslides consumed, but that hasn't been
verified yet.
took Bev and Suze on a Boston tour and we even got to the
Vinyard one day.
anyone out there EVER finds ANYTHING even remotely
similar to The Broken Line Game, please..please..please..
let us know, will ya?

visitors since 6-01-98