The Over40s Survivors/Society Page.

Out here in Cyberspace, in the wonderful world of NewGroups, are many wonderful little cyber neighborhoods, where folks from all over the world share their thoughts, feelings, silliness, joys and sorrows. One of the nicest of these neighborhoods was the msn's Over40s NewsGroup, deleted in 1998 (?) from the servers during an msn NG reorganization. We shared so much besides our time with each other. We shared our humor, our thoughts, our successes and our failures. We also shared information and insights. We shared a healthy respect for each other and the tenor of the board was one of civility. Flamers, spammers, energy-suckers, control freaks and 'hot-to-trotter's' wouldn't have felt welcome there. All other thinking adults did. A healthy percentage of the posters from the Old40s NG have reassembled in a new cyber home. This page is a tribute to the friends, past and present who have the Old 40s NG to thank for the civilized and friendly presence that we've come to know and appreciate.

First...Our Current 40's NG

(though it now goes by a different name now..the name of which is purposfully not being mentioned here. Old friends who have 'lost us', can email me for directions.) .

This NG is made up largely of the refugee's from the now defunct Over40s NG, though I'm pleased to say we have found some wonderful new friends as well.
(Click on their picture to be taken to their bio page)

Barb C ~ From the original Over40s NG & one of the founding mothers of our new one

Barbara L~ From the original Over40s NG & one of the founding mothers of our new one

Her Bevness !~ From the original Over40s NG & one of the founding mothers of our new one

bobbi~ From the original Over40s NG~ Currently on childcare sabatical

Brav ~ One of our new buds

Bren ~ ~ One of our new friends. Hope to have a page for her in the future.

Carol J~ From the original Over40s NG & one of the founding mothers of our new one

Debbie ~ From The Peers 40's old friend who recently found us.

Dee ~ From the original 40s NG. Currently on health sabatical

Isabella~ From The Peers 40's old friend who drops by to visit.

Jo-Ann (& Kerri-Ann!)~ From the original Over40s NG & one of the founding mothers of our new one

Joe~ From the original Over40s NG & one of the founding fathers of our new one

Kathy L~ From the original Over40s NG & one of the founding mothers of our new one

Mary~ From The Peers 40's NG..

Robin~ From the original Over40s NG

Russ~ From the original Over40s NG ~ stops by when he can

Sharon~ From the 40s Peers Group ~ One of our mainstays

Suze aka HwyCruzer~ From the original Over40s NG & one of the founding mothers of our new one

Tom ~One of the new buds & a mainstay of our new home

Veronica ~ One of our new friends.

Wendy ~ One of our new friends. Hope to have a page for her in the future.

Second : The Old 40s Page as I personally enjoy remembering it

Here is a Tribute to just some of those fine folks that once helped made up the old Over40s. Those we've stayed in touch with through the many mandatory moves , and who are still posting with our new group (above) are highlighted. How we'd love to find some of our long lost friends that are pictured here without the high lighted background.

I'll be forever gateful to a NG now gone for giving me the opportunity to have met these folks. I'm pleased to say that many of us still stay in touch .

Click on their individual pictures below to find out more about these nice friends.


Barb C

Barbara L

Her Bevness !


Carol J

Doc Cindy AKA Cyberchic ;-)




Ernest AKA Shadow


Jo-Ann (& Kerri-Ann!)



Kathy L




Mr. Bill (aka Aurora Bill)

Pat B




Suze aka HwyCruzer








As part of it's reorganization, when msn closed the Over40s NG, they opened a new NG called the Peers40s. This NG drew a whole host of new folks, wonderful new folks I might add, and the new NG became very popular and very large. More posters = more posts, and many of the original crew from the Over40s just couldn't keep up and slowly many of them quietly faded from view. Such is the wold of Cyber NG's. Like any real neighborhood, over time it changes , not better, not worse, just different. The Peers 40s was a happy, thriving group and several of the folks from the old Over40s did still post there. Alas, msn has decided to do away with that NG also. :( Here's just a few of the new folks that formed a wonderful cyber friendship at the recently defuct) Those whose photos are highlighted in yellow, have joined us at our new NG.


Bovatek (aka Ben)




Jim Fletcher


  Major Kat



RobinJoy (RJ)




Abbreviations and Emoticons used in News Groups

AFK= away from the Keyboard ROFLMAOPMP = REALLY funny !
BRB= be right back Moof= Disconnected from MSN
BBL= be back later <g>= small grin
CRS = Can't remember sh*t <s>= small smile
BTDT = Been there, Done that <S>= BIG SMILE
gmta= great minds think alike <G>= BIG GRIN
IMHO= In my humble opinion <vbg>= Very big grin
WTG!= Way to Go! <eg>= Evil grin
LOL= Laughing out loud surfing= Moving around in cyberspace
PMP = Pi*s my pants flaming= giving someone a rough time
ROFL= Rolling on floor laughing Depends Alert = see PMP or ask Bev ;-)
ROFLMAO = ROFL my as* off <smirk> = Something Bev does alot ;-)
R, D & H = Run, duck & hide Looping sign-in screen: refers to msn SPA prob.
:-) or :) = Smile ;-) or ;) = Smiling while winking
>:-( or :-( = Frown ;-( = Pretending to be mad
:-0 = Surprise :`-( = crying

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created 6/01/98.

Background and icons created by Kathy LaPier