Welcome to the Guestbook for the Acme Feline Furangels website. I hope you have had a pleasant visit with our furangels. Please feel free to leave a message with comments or suggestions for improvement.
Rich Hurley, webmaster
Dianne Young - 12/16/98 02:32:31 My URL:/Heartland/Garden/1493 My Email:ladybanditt@webtv.net State: Iowa Country: USA Furangel's Name: to many to list | Comments: our kitties...Conway and Loretta realy apprecatedthis site.....they are working on a page off my main page.... |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Alexandra - 08/14/98 22:54:47 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1909 My Email:alexandra_grey@yahoo.com | Comments: great website, you care and way of designing it express the love that you feel for cats, keep up the good work! |
Tally - 08/05/98 13:44:44 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/9352/index.html My Email:tally@loop.com Furangel's Name: Tardy | Comments: Rich, you did a beautiful job with Tardy. Thank you so much for honoring him on your page. |
Felicia - 07/20/98 03:00:37 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/3116 My Email:softsideweb@hotmail.com City: Dallas State: TX Country: USA Furangel's Name: Gossip | Comments: I have enjoyed my visit here, and wanted to make a quick introduction of myself, I am the new ringmaster for the softerside of the web, webring :) Please take this graphic gift from me to you and if you have any ideas, or just want to say hello, email me :) ![]() |
Terri - 07/05/98 00:37:01 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/8480 My Email:DesertHwy@prodigy.net Furangel's Name: Misty Blue and Luci | Comments: You have a beautiful website. My furangels are dogs but we know they reside peacefully with all creatures at Rainbow Bridge. |
Jennifer - 06/27/98 09:03:11 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cabana/7117 Country: Finland, northern Europe | Comments: Hi ! you've got a great and touching page here. I'm really fond of animals, but haven't had any myself, cos my family's allergic. |
Diane - 06/21/98 23:12:26 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/1145 My Email:pmhj@hotmail.com State: Michigan Country: USA | Comments: |
Sherry - 06/21/98 21:42:42 My URL:http://www.punkin.net My Email:sherry@punkin.net State: New Jersey Country: USA Furangel's Name: Punkin and Sylvester | Comments: This is such a wonderful page...very nice idea to have a place where people can leave beautiful memorials to their beloved cats! I've lost two of my babies also... I know the pain, as we try to express how much they are missed in our lives and deal with hat ache in our hearts. Can just feel the love pouring out of these heartwarming tributes to the cats who are gone, but never will be forgotten! Thank you for making such a beautiful page!
Glenda Moore - 06/21/98 03:03:40 My URL:http://www.xmission.com/~emailbox/catstuff.htm My Email:emailbox@xmission.com City: Roy State: UT Country: USA Furangel's Name: too many to list! | Comments: Beautiful site - well laid out, great use of graphics. Keep up the good work! |
Blush - 06/17/98 01:02:56 My Email:rhaines@jackson.main.nc.us City: Sylva State: NC Country: USA Furangel's Name: 3 Babe, Chanelle & Wookie | Comments: Rich, Humoon iz so happi meow to see her angels an mi sisfurs on ur page. Dey look great Purrs, Purrs and fanx fur doin them. Blush is right it is so neat to go to your page and see them with music and all. Blush and I cannot thank you enough. I have one through and saw each fur angel. You are special to do such a page fur us and our angels. I sincerely thank you and extend my hand in gratitude. Mews an Purrs. Humoon an Blush, some acme furriends |
Miteka - 06/16/98 02:34:04 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9414 My Email:siddonie@rocketmail.com City: Misawa Air Base Country: Japan Furangel's Name: Misty, Sebastion and Smokey | Comments: This is truely a wonderful heart touching site!!! :-) I enjoyed visiting here!! :-) |
Jeff - 06/14/98 06:02:09 My URL:http://www.zianet.com/cooper My Email:COOPER@zianet.com State: N.M. Country: USA | Comments: I saw the picture in a cat BBS I really like it I draw cats in pen so any art with cats in it really catch my eye. |
Beth - 06/14/98 02:04:46 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/9652 My Email:bpoisson@hotmail.com City: Atlanta State: Georgia Country: USA | Comments: You have provided a great site for us dedicated to our Rainbow kitties. Thanks so much, Rich, for doing this. I have several Rainbow kitties and hope to be able to share their pictures with everyone here. |
Rich Hurley - 06/13/98 20:20:43 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ridge/4833/ City: Baltimore State: MD Country: USA | Comments: I accidentally deleted one or more entries from the guestbook today. I apologize to anyone whose entry I deleted; it was not intentional. |
Buddha - 06/06/98 11:52:58 My Email:buddha1@gate.net City: Palm City State: Florida Country: USA Furangel's Name: Buddha (all three of them!) | Comments: In the 48 years we have been married, we have had three other cats. All named Buddha! Our present baby is really Buddha IV. Sadly,I have no pictures to send you, they were lost in moving. I think what you are doing is just wonderful! |
Marina (Cat-Lady) - 06/06/98 01:56:18 My Email:catlady7@earthlink.net City: Sylmar State: CA Country: USA Furangel's Name: Samantha & J.J. | Comments: Thanks, Rich for putting this site together for all of us at Acmepet. My babies are on the Rainbow Bridge web site, but it's nice to know that they are here with all my friends from Acme. You've done such a beautiful job with this site. Thanks, again. Marina |
Louise (blacatz) - 06/06/98 01:46:24 My Email:georgeandlouise@webtv.net City: San Antonio State: TX Country: USA | Comments: This is a beautiful site, & I was moved by your picture & tribute to dear Gert. |
MaryAW - 06/06/98 01:06:57 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6772 My Email:maryaw@yahoo.com City: Washington State: Iowa Country: USA Furangel's Name: Chuka | Comments: Very nice, Rich...a place for all of us from Cat's Window to see the kitties we refer to in our posts...I still post about Chuka sometimes. She and I were inseparable. |
Rich Hurley - 06/04/98 12:11:36 My URL:http://www.erols.com/rhurley/ My Email: City: Baltimore State: MD Country: USA Furangel's Name: Gert | Comments: This is just a test message to see how a Geocities guestbook works! |