For everyone who has asked: Where Ya Been?

As Christian Women we carry a responsibility in the future of our world and nation. The way we raise our children today will determine what type of future we will have tomorrow.

In Proverbs 31 we have an outline for the Wise women. In Ruth we have the example of the Virtuous woman. In Samuel we see the fervency of a Loving Mother On and on through out the Word of God we have many awesome examples set for us to follow. You will find awesome links and studies on this page that prayerfully will encourage you to continue to strive for the prize.

We must realize as Godly woman that our role is as important as that of our husbands. Our husbands are called to be the head of our homes. Thus us being called to be the shoulders. God did not intend for us as women to be doormats or to be above our spouses, but to stand along side of them as to encourage and edify one another.

I look forward to sharing fellowship with you all. Feel free to come back often as this site is updated regularly.

In His Love, Nanci aka Nann


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New Believers Study, Questions and Worksheets. NEW BELIEVERS CENTER

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~The Woman's Role~

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Women of the Word!

Come read about our Sister's of the Faith, See how much we can learn from them!

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~Knowing God~

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~Points to Ponder~

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~Daily Issue's we Face~

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The Kind of Preaching America Needs  by Evangelist Michael Kearns



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Visit Nanci's Notebook. Here is a touch of Apologetic's for the Discerning Woman of God

As innocent as it seems? Issues on the Occult

**Mary, Mary, Mary?

Exposing the over Exposed

Fantasy Games People Play

What's wrong with Fairies?

Effects of the Occult

Wicca/ Witchcraft

Mary: Always a Virgin?

Pray to Mary?

Was Mary Saved From Birth?

Is Mary a Source of Holiness?

What about Angels?

What's wrong with the Faith Movement

Freedom from the Faith MovementTestimony by Jeff Beard

*A Comparison of New Age, Kenyonist aka Word-Faith, and Christian Doctrines


Cults VS true Christianity Do you know the Difference?

JW'S and True Christianity

A connection between Feminism and Goddess Worship?

How to tell the difference in a Cult and a Christian Church

Helping a Cult involved Family Member

Indenifying a Cult

Seven Ways Jehovah's Witnesses Distort True Christianity

The Watchtower Indoctrination Process

*The Goddess and the Church

*Neopaganism, Feminism and the New Polytheisn

The Scripture in Context
Touch not Thy Annointed? A Biblical Perspective

Revival, Revival, Revival Maybe it's Real, Maybe it's Maybelline Brownsville Revealed

Revival :   What it IS

Revival: What it is NOT

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Balancedword Library~ Complete Books Online~
Authors Include: Towzer, Spurgeon, Smith and Bunyan

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