
This is my new fawn DOBERMAN [not a Weimeraner!!!] puppy, Max.

He is 9 or 10 weeks old here.

Max's first hour home, laying in my sister's lap.

This is a pic of when I trying to sleep on the sofa and little Max kept pestering me. :]
Here are some odd sleeping positions: (I edited the second so it wouldn't be indecent puppy exposure. :] )
(The 3rd pic is at about 19 weeks, and the last 3 are a bit over 5 months.)

Do you like "lap dogs"? How about a nice lap Doberman?
There's nothing like a 65-70 pound Doberman on your lap to brighten your day.

Here we are sitting on the step.
He has grown a TON since this picture was taken. Now, when he's sitting on the floor next to me, his head is a little higher than mine!!! (at 6 months) He is one BIG puppy.

This is Max and me at nap time.
Here's some pictures at 14 weeks:

Here he is playing with a great toy, a gallon-sized grapefruit juice bottle with a handle that has superballs in it! He loves that thing. He shakes it all over the place. He was stalking me as I was taking the picture, and then he ran and jumped at me as the flash went off. :] He's such a sneaky little kid.

Here's two typical Max things- hanging over the box that prevents him from going in the dining room and running around playing. That's his playing pose. He has one tennis ball in his mouth and another is between his front legs.

Here he is at 5 months old. He has his father's face.

He's such a big puppy! This was at 5 months, also. At 6 months old, he is 27 inches hight at the top of the back!!! He's big enough to put his head DOWN on the kitchen table...

Such a big puppy (also at 5 mo.).
Here's some 7-month-old shots:

And here he is literally sitting his butt on the sofa:

Sleeping by yourself with a Dobie around would be a crime!

Max sleeps in bed with me. Here is a picture of that at 9 months old (28 inches high at the back, 95 pounds...):

I always wanted to saddle up my "horse puppy", so I borrowed a saddle and tacked him up. He was quite unhappy, though, and the saddle didn't fit his back, so it slid if he walked. He would not move with the saddle on him. He was extremely happy when I took it off, and he ran all around.
He is 9 months old in these pictures.

10 months old...

After I put his food in the container, I let him carry around and play with the bag for a bit.

You can see how much room I have to sleep in my bed, along with Max. I sleep in the space on the left of the picture.

13 months old, and oh so comfy on the sofa!
He is now 29.5 inches high at the back and 100 lbs.

"I swear he was never that small!"

9 or 10 weeks old vs. 10 months old
Puppy in the tub!!!

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Last update: 9/24/00
Note: All images are copyrighted by Lisa Smalley.
If you would like to use any of my images, you must ask me first.