Miscellany links

  1. Honda CM400E technical data
  2. AT&T 6386 Computer Info (yes I am still using one)
  3. KB4BJH Operation Schedule (not ready yet)
  4. Opera Stuff
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  6. Account Access
  7. Other topics:

Topic of the Day

None currently. Check back in a week.

I apologize for this not being a really spiffy visual webpage. Putting in the fancy graphics and multimedia is very time-consuming. I don't have the time. I hope the words make it worthwhile.

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Vineyard Christian Fellowship

Are you looking for a closer relationship with Jesus Christ?

I recommend the Vineyard Christian Fellowship. The previous link takes you to their USA webpage that tells you all about the Vineyard.

I have attended a Vineyard for many years and attest that the leaders are sincere, intelligent, and focused on doing God's Will.

God desires our worship. We give Him worship and obey His Word. He commands that we tell others that Jesus is the only way to eternal salvation.

We all live life one way or another. Unfortunately, many of us are constantly choosing a way that brings pain and sorrow. Now is the best time to make the rest of your life the best it can be: Give it to Jesus. That is the end of the sermon.

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