Hi! Welcome to my homepage. Please visit my homepage and see my family.
I live in the small town of Jasper, Texas. We are a town of about 9,000 people. Some bad things have happened in our town that brought national media attention here. But these things do not tell the story of the people of Jasper. Below is a map of Texas, and on the right side of Texas located near the border of Louisiana is my town!
My goodness, we were young,huh? The above picture was made at our home wedding on September 3, 1963. I was 16 and Phil was 18. We were excited, but very nervous!
Here is a picture of my hubby Phil and myself that was taken about 10 years ago. We have aged a bit now! ROFL!
We are the proud parents of two wonderful sons who have married two precious and wonderful young ladies. Our boys, Cliff and Brex, along with their wives, Reta and Chela, have two children a piece. Cliff and Chela have two little girls, Hannah Grace and Jayme Cairrel. Brex and Reta have a son, Casey Stewart Cargile and a daughter, Faythe Hope Hutson. Casey was a U.S. Marine and has his own page. He is married to a wonderful young woman and has a precious little boy.We are very proud of all our children and grandchildren. God has blessed us greatly!
Be sure to visit all the pages listed below.I have had the best time making these pages, but I know I need to learn newer techniques. So, the pages will become more updated in time. Right now, just go see the pages and enjoy! Just click on each button and it will take you to a new page. Please sign my guestbook so I will know you have been here. Thanks, Sandi

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