Hi my name is Jerry (Striker)
This page is dedicated to the memory of my mentor and friend Jake. I will be forever indebted to him for his guidance and his devotion to the San Pierre Volunteer Fire Department.

Let me tell you a little something about the man I called "My Best Friend". Jake proudly wore the title of firechief of our department. There never has been, nor will there ever be, a man that will be able to fill his shoes. Jake worked with pride to bring the San Pierre Volunteer Fire Department to where it is today. A department that makes me proud to be a part of. He was a firefighter for 23 years, 18 years of which he served as firechief. Jake's contibutions to the fire department were many. Through his leadership, our fish fry fundraisers have been a huge success for organizations such as schools, churches and other fire departments throughout our community. Jake's devotion to kids was one of the most important parts of his life. The department sponsorship of a little league baseball team was just one indication of that.

He is survived by his wife Jean, a registered nurse and a firefighter in his department, along with his children Jeremy, Timmy, John, Duane, Cheryl and Brenda.

Jake wore the number 14-11 which indicated his firechief status on the San Pierre Volunteer Department. That number has been retired in his memory.

He was a strength of our community that will be missed by all who's lives he touched. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of him and miss being with............
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"San Pierre Vol. Fire Dept."
At this time I would like to thank my "Special Friend Cindy", for all her help with my tribute to my friend Jake. Without her, this page would of never taken place. Thank you Cindy for all your wonderful guidance. You are my special friend for life.
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