Ch. Chandhara's Dark Hawk

OOH LA LA ! Joyeux Noel!!!!!!!

First litter -

    Am Ch Horningsea
                Khanabad Azreeta

    Chandhara Barfour Soroya

Chandhara Zaraya Yasmin

from the first litter...

Talisman - one of my favorite ever dogs - he was born in
the US but I imported him into England - he had the perfect temperament,
absolutely fearless, arrogant, aristocratic - he truly was a King, in no
way "poodly" but quite unflappable. Plus he was an outstanding Afghan.
Both Yasmin and Tal are ancestors of my current Afghans.

Chandhara Ghalands Talisman of Camri
  By Ch Javelin of Camri
  Ex Akaba's Brass n' Soot of Camri