Our Trip to

Bandelier National Monument

Our class, along with Mrs. Woodall's 3rd grade class, took a trip to Bandelier National Monument on October 8, 1999. The weather was beautiful and the sky was clear. We explored the cliff dwellings and made the long climb to the ceremonial caves. Going back down was harder than climbing up, but we all made it safely, including Javier, who brought his lunch along on the hike. Luckily for him, there was a very nice tourist (from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia), who carried Javier's lunch all the way back down. He was sure that Javier had a six-pack of soda, because it was so heavy.

The classes enjoyed visiting this ancient community and we now have a better understanding and appreciation for how they lived.

The picture on the left was taken by Justin Gould - www.swparks.com

The picture above was found at www.corbis.com


We had taken our own pictures with a digital camera, but unfortunately, something happened to the disk in transit and we are unable to recover the pictures. This is particularly sad because our friend, Flat Stanley, was along and we were going to send the pictures to his school.