ZUALA Family

First Generation

1. Steven1 Zuala birth date unknown.

He married Mrs. Steven Zuala. Mrs. became the mother of Diana Zuala Dec. 11, 1965.

Steven became the father of Diana Zuala Dec. 11, 1965.

Steven Zuala and Mrs. Steven Zuala had the following child:

child 2 i. Diana2 Zuala was born Dec. 11, 1965. She married Timothy Alan Stanley. Timothy was born Elgin, Illinois Nov. 9, 1959. Timothy is the son of Carol Ann Stanley. At 37 years of age Timothy became the father of Joshua Stanley Arlington Heights, Illinois, Aug. 5, 1997. At 39 years of age Timothy became the father of Rachel Calla Stanley Arlington Heights, Illinois, Aug. 24, 1999. (See Timothy Alan Stanley for the continuation of this line.)

At 31 years of age Diana became the mother of Joshua Stanley Arlington Heights, Illinois, Aug. 5, 1997. At 33 years of age Diana became the mother of Rachel Calla Stanley Arlington Heights, Illinois, Aug. 24, 1999.

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