1. Jacob King1 Watson birth date unknown.
He married Rebecca Howe. Rebecca became the mother of Hannah Mary Watson Pennsylvania, Aug. 31, 1849.
Jacob became the father of Hannah Mary Watson Pennsylvania, Aug. 31, 1849.
Jacob King Watson and Rebecca Howe had the following children:
Hannah Mary Watson was born Pennsylvania Aug. 31, 1849. Hannah died Dec. 9, 1933. She married Luther Abraham Sprague Kansas, 1870. Luther was born Memphis, Scotland County,
Missouri April 19, 1843. Luther was the son of Henry Harrison Sprague and Katherine Kirkpatrick. Luther died bef.
1900. At 30 years of age Luther became the father of Jesse Lewis Sprague Cato, Crawford County, Kansas, Jan. 3, 1874.
At 37 years of age Luther became the father of LeRoy Sprague Missouri, Aug. 1880. At 40 years of age Luther became
the father of Luther Elmo Sprague Missouri, May 1883. At 43 years of age Luther became the father of Maude M.
Sprague Missouri, Sept, 1886. At 46 years of age Luther became the father of Bessie Sprague Nebraska, Oct. 1889.
(See Luther Abraham Sprague for the continuation of this line.)
At 24 years of age Hannah became the mother of Jesse Lewis Sprague Cato, Crawford County, Kansas, Jan. 3, 1874. At 30 years of age Hannah became the mother of LeRoy Sprague Missouri, Aug. 1880. At 33 years of age Hannah became the mother of Luther Elmo Sprague Missouri, May 1883. At 37 years of age Hannah became the mother of Maude M. Sprague Missouri, Sept, 1886. At 40 years of age Hannah became the mother of Bessie Sprague Nebraska, Oct. 1889.
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