First Generation

1. Benjamin Franklin1 Wiggins birth date unknown.

He married Mary Jannet Matheson. Mary became the mother of Laura Amelia Wiggins Warren County, Illinois, July 2, 1849.

Benjamin became the father of Laura Amelia Wiggins Warren County, Illinois, July 2, 1849.

Benjamin Franklin Wiggins and Mary Jannet Matheson had the following child:

child 2 i. Laura Amelia2 Wiggins was born Warren County, Illinois July 2, 1849. Laura died March 5, 1911 Campbell, Minnesota, at 61 years of age. She married Thomas Wilson Giddings Warren County, Illinois, Nov. 15, 1868. Thomas was born Erie County, Pennsylvania Aug. 8, 1843. Thomas was the son of Moses Cornwall Giddings and Sophia Stafford.

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